The National Student Science Week (PIMNAS) event is the final event of the procession of various PKM competition schemes, starting from PKM-RE (Exact Research), PKM-RSH (Social Humanities Research), PKM-PM (Community Service), PKM in the Field of Application of Science and Technology ( PKM-PI). PKM for Creative Initiatives (PKM-KC). PKM Constructive Futuristic Ideas (PKM-GFK). PKM Written Ideas (PKM-GT), PKM Scientific Articles (PKM-AI). and PKM-K (Entrepreneurship).

PIMNAS is a forum for participating students to present and communicate with each other through national-scale intellectual creation products. Students are expected to gain great benefits for increasing creativity in their respective fields of science. In 2021, as in 2020, PIMNAS activities will be carried out in a blended manner (online-offline), where the PIMNAS committee and jury team are offline at the Organizing Universities, while the PKM teams that pass PIMNAS are online from their respective locations. Even though it is carried out online, the student team implementing PKM is still required to be able to demonstrate the highest level of creativity and usefulness of their intellectual products.

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PIMNAS is the pinnacle of national-scale student scientific activities and is held at universities determined by the National Achievement Center with the willingness and agreement of all higher education leaders and is a forum for scientific meetings and communication of student creative products, attended by students or groups of students through PKM and non-PKM routes. At this year's PIMNAS, the University of North Sumatra (USU) has been appointed as the host for the 34th PIMNAS in 2021.

Haflan Alfiri Widrayat (S1 Management 2017 FEB UNAIR) took part in PKM-K Entrepreneurship, together with 4 members from the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST UNAIR), with the title WACO GEL Products: Alternative Solutions for Future Solid Fuels Based on Used Cooking Oil as a Form of Independent Indonesia Energy . Namely making alternative solid fuel products from compressed used cooking oil.

Collaborating with FST students who focus on how product production is related to the chemical reactions required, Haflan contributed to preparing economic and financial analyzes as well as management areas such as marketing, human resources, finance and business operations. The level of mentoring intensity increased and became more intensive due to repeated guidance and presentation simulations by TPK lecturers and lecturers appointed by the University.

Of the 5 team members, only 2 made presentations, Haflan (FEB UNAIR) and Muhammad Anang Jazuli (FST UNAIR) as team leader.

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The PKM flow process starts from faculty level proposal selection, university level proposal selection, national level proposal selection, funding announcement, PKM program implemented for 4 months, collecting progress reports, announcement of passing to Pimnas, collecting final reports and scientific articles, presentation at Pimnas, and the final announcement of the national pinnacle champions.

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