(FEB NEWS) Thursday, 14 October 2021, the Master of Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (MM Program - FEB UNAIR), succeeded in winning a national award, as one of the winners of the "TOP 20 CSV AWARD 2021", along with the The other 19 winners were from industrial circles such as: 1.) PT Pertamina, 2.) PT Taspen, 3.) PT Bintang Toedjoe, 4.) PT Semen Gresik, 5.) PT Jasa Raharja, 6.) PT. Pembangkitan Jawa-Bali, 7.) PT Pelindo Marine Service (PT PMS), 8.) PT Paiton Energy, 9.) PT Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper Tbk, 10.) PT Lemonilo Indonesia Sehat, 11.) ASTRA Infra, 12 .) PT Hasnur Riung Sinergi (HRS), 13.) Bio Farma, 14.) PT. Bhumi Jati Power, 15.) PT Pupuk Kujang Cikampek, 16.) PT Campina Ice Cream Industry Tbk, 17.) PT Len Industri, 18.) PT Wahana Duta Jaya Rucika, and 19.) PT. Astra Graphia Tbk., which is an offering from INFOBRAND in collaboration with TRAS N CO Indonesia.


(Award Charter "TOP 20 CSV AWARD 2021" for the FEB UNAIR Master of Management Study Program for the CSV Program: "This is Ability Not Disability, Method of Painting with Color for the Blind", Method of Painting with Color for the Blind" in the NATIONAL WEBINAR event " CSR TO CSV”, on Thursday, 14 October 2021)

TOP 20

(Profile of Top 20 Successful CSV Companies in the NATIONAL WEBINAR "CSR TO CSV", on Thursday, 14 October 2021)

TOP CSV Award 2021, is a prestigious award given to companies or institutions in Indonesia that have successfully implemented the Creating Shared Value Program, a concept in business strategy that emphasizes the importance of including social problems and needs in designing company strategy.

TOP CSV AWARD 2021 is the first Creating Shared Value award event in Indonesia which is given to companies / institutions in Indonesia based on the results of the presentation and assessment of the jury with reference to 3 assessment aspects, namely 1.) CSV Concept Aspect, 2.) CSV Impact Aspect, and 3.) CSV Branding Aspect.

The TOP CSV AWARD award can improve the image, reputation and trust in the eyes of the public and encourage companies or institutions in Indonesia to implement CSV programs in their business so that they can have a positive impact on the environment, social and company.

The TOP CSV AWARD Award Event, packaged in one NATIONAL WEBINAR event "CSR TO CSV". Which is the culmination of a series of previous activities, namely collaboration between the Management Department of FEB UNAIR with Infobrand.id media and practitioners, to hold plenary training on CSV (Creating Shared Value) with SDG values, From CSR to CSV, (Training batch 1 and batch 2 ). This series of events is an implementation of the FEB UNAIR Management Department supporting SDG point 11 "Sustainable Cities & Communities", and point 17 "Partnership for Goals".

Through this webinar, it is hoped that it will provide insight into CSV to companies in Indonesia so that more companies will implement CSV for corporate social activities. Present as one of the speakers at the NATIONAL CSR TO CSV WEBINAR event, Dr. Gancar C. Premananto, CDM – Head of Management Department FEB UNAIR, Senior Consultant & Mentor CSV – TEMA; CSV; SMART CORPORATE STRATEGY. Together with 2 other speakers, namely: 1.) Drs. Mas Achmad Daniri, MEC. – Expert Council of the National Governance Policy Committee, Good Governance Expert and Author of the Book "LEAD BY CSV" – THEME: New Paradigm for Implementing CSV, 2.) Tri Raharjo, SE., MM. – CEO of TRASN CO INDONESIA, Founder of Indonesia Brand Network (IBN) – THEME: BRANDING STRATEGY FOR CSV. 


(from left to right: Susilowati Ningsih - Director of INFOBRAND GROUP; Panji Nurdiyan Syah - Editor in Chief INFOBRAND.ID; Tri Raharjo, SE., MM. – CEO of TRASN CO INDONESIA, Founder of Indonesia Brand Network (IBN); Drs. Mas Achmad Daniri, MEC – National Governance Policy Committee Expert Council, Good Governance Expert and Author of the Book "LEAD BY CSV" and Dr. Gancar C. Premananto, CDM – Head of Management Department FEB UNAIR, CSV Senior Consultant & Mentor; NATIONAL “CSR TO CSV”, on Thursday, 14 October 2021)

As one of the award winners, the FEB UNAIR Master of Management Study Program together with all the regular MM-FEB UNAIR Study Program Students Batch 55, brought up an interesting concept "This is Ability Not Disability, Method of Painting with Color for the Blind", Painting Method with Colors for the Blind”. Through this concept, the UNAIR MM-FEB Study Program succeeded in realizing that everyone, including blind friends, can draw and paint, and it has been proven that this method is a new learning method that can be included in the educational curriculum in schools and the image of the MM Program - FEB UNAIR is increasingly becoming an initiator in managing social and educational issues.


(CSV activity from the Master of Management Study Program FEB UNAIR which carries an interesting concept "This is Ability Not Disability, Painting Method with Color for the Blind", as one of the activities that brought the MM-FEB UNAIR Program to Win the TOP 20 CSV AWARD 2021 , in the NATIONAL WEBINAR "CSR TO CSV", on Thursday, 14 October 2021) 


Congratulations, once again to the FEB UNAIR Master of Management Study Program - especially to MM - FEB UNAIR Program Students Batch 55 Afternoon (Regular) as the organizers of the event.

Greetings from us, 



