(FEB NEWS) At FEB UNAIR there is now a solar charger. This tool was a donation from the Alumni of the Master of Management Study Program, namely the Main Director of PT Jatim Energy Services (JES) Eka Winardi, MM. (MM FEB UNAIR Alumni Batch 46). The donation given by the FEB UNAIR Master of Management Alumni was in the form of a Mobile Solar Charging Station. This tool was donated in future, it is hoped that it can be used to support activities at FEB UNAIR as an Eco-friendly Smart-Campus.


(The Mobile Solar Charging Station which is placed in the FEB UNAIR Student Creation Park, is a CSR Program from PT Jatim Energy Services (JES) through the Main Director of PT Jatim Energy Services (JES), Eka Winardi, MM. (MM FEB UNAIR Alumni - Batch 46) , for FEB UNAIR).

According to Eka, the benefit of the charger is as an LED information medium. This is in accordance with the Eco green tag, where PT JES operates in the renewable energy sector. This tool can produce solar electricity, can be used to charge cellphones, even electric bicycles. As a smart campus, UNAIR and PT JES can unite their vision and mission to carry out more environmentally friendly activities. This is in accordance with the 7th theme in the SDGs, namely affordable energy, increasing energy efficiency, using sustainable and renewable energy. SDG 7 aims to reduce energy use with energy efficiency technology. This technology can reduce the use of non-renewable energy.  

Thank you, to PT Jatim Energy Services (JES), for the donation given, in the form of 4 (four) units of equipment installed in the FEB UNAIR environment, namely in the form of 3 (three) units of digital temperature sensor doors and 1 (one) unit of Mobile Solar Charging Station. FEB UNAIR also expressed its highest appreciation for the support of alumni in various activities at FEB UNAIR.  

Hopefully Donations from PT JES, through Eka Winardi, MM. It will also further inspire FEB UNAIR alumni to help with the educational process at Universitas Airlangga, especially FEB UNAIR. Synergize with the heart, and provide maximum benefit to improve the quality of education. May blessings always be bestowed on PT JES, especially Eka Winardi, MM., more successful, more victorious in every task/work/active role that continuously provides benefits to the community, nation and State of Indonesia.

Go FEB UNAIR Alumni, Go FEB UNAIR, Go Smart University, Go Smart Faculty, Go Eco Campus. FEB One, UNAIR is great.

