On Friday, December 10 2021, the Management Department of FEB Unair held an international guest lecture with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Neli Muntean from the Technical University of Moldova online. The material for this guest lecture is related to Financial Management, especially Working Capital Management. The guest lecture was guided by a moderator from the Department of Management lecturer, namely Made Gitanadya, SE., MSM. and attended by Dr. Nisful Laila, SE., M.Com. as Deputy Dean II FEB Unair and Rahmat Heru Setianto, SE., M.Sc. Fin. as a lecturer in Financial Management. The lecture was attended by up to 135 students from various classes and study programs. Dr. Muntean started his guest lecture at exactly 19.00 WIB by telling about his home country, Moldova. Next, Dr. Muntean explained working capital management by paying attention to liquidity ratios and certain safety levels in the company. Dr. Muntean also provided a case study example from one of the large companies in Moldova, namely Capital Group CCC SA  


The guest lecture went smoothly and was interesting, followed by questions and answers from several students. Students who were enthusiastic about attending lectures asked questions such as Ridha Amaliyah asking about the biggest mistakes in managing working capital and M. Harits Natakesuma who asked about the safety stock of working capital. The lecture closed with the Deputy Dean II of FEB Unair and Dr. Muntean, namely Dr. Nisful Laila who gave an impression and message to all participants. Hopefully this lecture will be useful for the participants and will be followed by more international guest lectures in the future.