Prof. Iwan Jaya Azis FEB Unair 8 Oct 2018 c 

Today, Monday, October 8 2018, Prof. Iwan Jaya Azis from Cornel University delivered a Guest Lecture entitled "Development of Economics" in the Mindrowo Hall, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga.

The Guest Lecture was attended by 132 participants consisting of FEB students and lecturers both from Universitas Airlangga and from other state or private universities in Surabaya.

Prof. Iwan Jaya Azis FEB Unair 8 Oct 2018 b

On this occasion, Prof. Iwan Jaya Azis said that the material taught to Development Economics students must be adapted to the latest economic developments. For example, when presenting material on types of markets in a Microeconomics course, most of what should be conveyed is about monopolistic markets and not free markets. This is because currently, this type of perfect competitive market is very difficult to find. Meanwhile, most of the markets that occur are monopolistic.