Leadership Forum MM FEB Unair 26 Sep 2018Surabaya, Bhirawa . Approaching the anniversary Universitas Airlangga (Unair) next November, the Master of Management Student Association, Faculty of Economics and Business, created a movement through the hashtags #NotGenerasiMager and #Ready2Move to face changes in the current era of the industrial revolution.
"This is an active, positive and creative movement based on spirituality to welcome various opportunities in the era of industrial revolution 4.0," said the head of the MM FEB Unair study program, Gancar C Premananto, on the sidelines of a seminar entitled "spiritual leaders forum" in Dyandra, Wednesday (26/9 ) Yesterday.
According to Gancar, the current generation is equipped with gadget facilities that make everything easy because everything is available without having to move anywhere.

“They don't need to be afraid of facing anything in the future, including if someone scares them with any crisis or problem.
"That's why with this movement they are ready to face it," he said. This movement, he said, will continue to be socialized and disseminated by all groups, such as academics, business people, the community and the media.
The marketing lecturer at FEB Unair also emphasized that the movement through hashtags is prepared to face increasingly diverse technological challenges, including the ease with which people can do anything without sacrificing time and energy.
Nevertheless, he continued, technology as a tool cannot be avoided so control returns to the individual on how to use it, positively and creatively or use it negatively.

"What is certain is that the current generation must be creative and innovative so that they are ready to face any changes.
"This hashtag movement will be made viral and socialized through many activities, including by many parties together," he said. On the other hand, the forum was held in two stages (morning and afternoon) to welcome the Master of Management Anniversary, FEB Anniversary and Unair Surabaya Anniversary.
In the seminar, credible speakers were also presented, namely, President Director of BNI Syariah Abdullah Firman Wibowo, Ust Sobikhul Qisom as Director of Indonesian Education Quality, Ust H Nur Hidayat, Chairman of the Yatim Mandiri Trustees and Ust Ahmad Mudzoffar Jufri, Chairman of STIDKI Ar Rahmah. [geh]

Source: http://harianbhirawa.com/2018/09/mm-unair-munculkan-tagar-bukan Generasimager