One of the UKMFs at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga, AcSES (Association of Shariah Economic Studies) has held the 2018 Sharia Economic Scientific Festival or commonly abbreviated as FALAH on 20-22 September 2018. This third FALAH carries the big theme "Creating Youth for a Madani Indonesia" with the aim of finding and optimizing the role of youth as the main movers in building this nation.
A series of events starting with the presentation of the national level Call for Essay semifinalists on Thursday, September 20 2018, received quite a lot of enthusiasm from students. This is proven by the fact that 14 universities in Indonesia submitted their best essays to become winners at this annual event.
On the second day, the semifinalists were invited to tour the City of Heroes to introduce themselves directly to the culture of the people in this metropolis. The Heroes Monument, which is an icon of the city of Surabaya, is also one of their destinations.
In the evening it continued with an Islamic study entitled "Youth Responding to the Challenges of Today's Times" which was presented directly by Ustadz Faris Khoirul Anam, LC, MHI caretaker of the Darul Faqih Islamic boarding school, Malang. He said that the challenges for Muslim youth today come from within themselves as well as from outside. So Muslim youth in particular must have a strong stance on their principles of life, and not be easily swayed by the environment.
Saturday, September 22 2018, which was the culmination of the 2018 Sharia Economic Scientific Festival, ended with a Business Workshop with the theme "Young-Creativepreneur in the Digital Era" attended by Prof. Dahlan Iskan as the main resource person received extraordinary enthusiasm from students and business practitioners. Mr. Syafril Riza, who appeared as moderator, also succeeded in keeping the audience enthusiastic so that they could gain useful knowledge from the sources presented.
The event closed with the awarding of prizes to the winners of the Call for Essay which were handed over directly by Prof.Dr. Dahlan Iskan and Mrs. Sochrul Rohmatul Ajija as supervisors of AcSES FEB UNAIR.