3rd Blood Donation BEM FEB Unair 24 Sep 2018

Starting from a sense of sensitivity towards other people, the Community Service Department of the BEM Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) was able to mobilize awareness by holding Blood Donation activities as well as health checks, eye checks, skin checks and quantum checks. This FEB Blood Donation is held 3 times a year. This time it was held at the Fadjar Notonegoro Hall (19/9) for the public without any fees.

The 3rd blood donation has the theme "One Drop One Hope" to encourage a healthy lifestyle. With one drop of hope, it raises the importance of a drop of blood from and for other people who need blood with full hope for healing like a healthy human being.

Diana as the chief executive said that the BEM FEB UNAIR Community Service also collaborated with the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI), Kimia Farma, JAVA Eye Clinic, Fifgroup, and Laritta, to facilitate this social action activity in increasing the availability of blood at PMI.

"Thank God, this third blood donation was able to bring in hundreds of students from various agencies, and experienced many levels that were better than previous blood donations," he added.

From 09:00 to 14:00, there were around 300 participants from UNAIR students and abroad and the FEB UNAIR academic community who were enthusiastic about health checks and blood donations. However, prospective blood donors must pass the requirements to qualify. These include being in good health, not being an alcoholic, weighing at least 50 kg, having normal blood pressure, not menstruating, and the like.

Waiting for the donor process will definitely get boring, the participants were entertained by a live acoustic from Expresso, an acoustic group from BEM Sega students, and the committee.

"By donating blood, I get an extraordinary positive impact on the body, and my blood can help other people even with just one drop of blood," said Cristyan, one of the donors from the ITS D3 Electrical Engineering.

Donors who pass the selection requirements and successfully donate blood receive gifts from PMI, Fifgroup and the committee. This gift is intended to appreciate the donor's concern for others, and of course the courage and time he took to share a drop of his blood for the sake of a Healthy Indonesia.

Author: Rolista Dwi Oktavia

Source: http://bem.feb.unair.ac.id/bem/bem-news/122-gebrakan-donor-darah-untuk-indonesia-sehat-bem-feb-gelar-donor-darah-ke-4. html