Lecture with Prof. Dr. (HC) Chairul Tanjung in front of FEB Unair Doctoral, Master's and Bachelor's degree students. Attended by 500 students from all study programs. The Public Lecture took the theme "Global Economic Dynamics and Its Impact on the National Economy". The lecture activities were successful with presentations that amazed students because they were presented with data and images as supporting facts. The event started at 10.00 and ended around 12.00 WIb.

Guest lecture Prof. Dr. (HC) Chairul Tanjung, starting promptly at 10.20. Attended by several FEB Unair leaders, representatives of Unair Cafe and all students participating in the lecture. On this occasion, the Dean of FEB Unair, Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., M.Si., Ak. opened the event with his remarks that students need to update the latest information so that knowledge is maintained according to current conditions.

The guest lecture was opened by Dr. Rudi Purwono, SE., MSE. as moderator accompanying Prof. Dr. (HC) Chairul Tanjung. According to CT, no matter how big a country is, it cannot stand alone without influence from other countries. Large countries such as America are also affected, Japan, several European countries, and several developing countries, including Indonesia, are countries that are also influential. Students must understand all this.