
It is an honor to have Dr. Marhanum Che Mohd Salleh from International Islamic University Malaysia, since 12 July 2018, in a series of scientific activities at FEB Unair.

Dr. Marhanum is an expert in the field of Sharia Insurance. With a guest lecture on July 13 2018 for postgraduate students, it is hoped that students' insight into Sharia insurance can increase. In Malaysia the Sharia Insurance program is developing very rapidly, even the distribution of insurance benefits is arranged in such a way, some are in the form of grants and some are in the form of sharia inheritance law. By sharing knowledge, it can inspire students to conduct research on sharia insurance .

His series of activities continued with the Curriculum Workshop which was held on July 17 2018. This curriculum workshop aims to provide mutual input on the upcoming course curriculum. The courses discussed at that time were Islamic Insurance Management, Sharia Bank Management and Risk Management. Meanwhile, Dr Marhanum himself also presented courses on Principles of Takaful, Islamic Financing Management, and Bank Management. By sharing this, each of us gets input.

On July 19 2018, the next activity was Joint Research. Where each lecturer who wants to do a joint research with Dr Marhanum is required to present a proposal or article for the joint research. Dr. Marhanum selected several articles to be used as joint research and it is hoped that they will be published on Scopus . NgoPi, Smart Chat Scopus Journal, 27 July 2018, is a continuation of Dr. Marhanum at FEB Unair. This smart chat provides an overview to FEB Unair Lecturers, as well as tips and tricks for getting into the Scopus journal. Each Scopus journal has a different focus and scope so each writer needs to know this . And closed with the last activity that is still related to the Scopus Journal, namely Scopus Camp, 30 July 2018. Scopus camp is a continuation of the Joint Research agenda. The article authors selected by Dr Marhanum will be invited to Scopus camp to discuss the continuation of the joint research and publication targets .

He has been on the FEB Unair campus for almost 1 month, and hopefully all of his scientific activities will be of benefit to all of us and be sustainable.