(FEB NEWS) 2021 Economics and Business Students Together Intellectual Week (PIKMEN) Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (PIKMEN FEB UNAIR), which was held on 4-5 September 2021 and closed on 11 September 2021 online with 1045 new students for the 2021 academic year /2022, is the first step for new students to make history so they are ready to face the world of higher education.
PIKMEN is at the forefront for new students to produce students who bring change by uniting differences and taking action through introducing the campus environment, culture, community and also the values found at FEB UNAIR.
The event was opened with the beating of the Gong 3x (three times) by the Dean of FEB UNAIR - Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., MSi., Ak., CMA., CA. And accompanied by Deputy Dean I FEB UNAIR - Dr. Wisnu Wibowo, SE., MSi. There were many messages conveyed at the PIKMEN FEB UNAIR 2021 event for "Young Kestria Airlangga" as a generation of pioneers of change.
(Gong beating 3x (three times) by the Dean of FEB UNAIR - Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., MSi., Ak., CMA., CA. accompanied by Deputy Dean I FEB UNAIR - Dr. Wisnu Wibowo, SE ., as a sign of the opening of the PIKMEN FEB UNAIR 2021 event, 4-5 September 2021- online).
Chief Executive of PIKMEN 2021 - Vania Safira Febrianti (who is also Secretary of the PSDM Department - BEM FEB UNAIR - from the 2019 Development Economics Undergraduate Study Program) said in her speech that the New Students for the 2021/2022 Academic Year are a "special class", where they have 2 (two) years of facing a pandemic that never ends and remaining consistent in fighting to pursue dreams. Furthermore, Vania Safira Febrianti (who is more often called Vania) continued that, "as students we must be able to have an impact, influence, bring benefits to society, the surrounding environment and especially our Faculty FEB UNAIR".
(Chief Executive of PIKMEN 2021 - Vania Safira Febrianti, in her speech at the PIKMEN FEB UNAIR 2021 Event, 4-5 September 2021 - Online).
President of BEM FEB UNAIR - Tariq Priatmodjo said in his speech that students are not only required to study in class, there are many places to develop their potential and students do not have to demonstrate to express their demands for the existence of the campus. Achievements are enough to bring the good name of our beloved FEB UNAIR campus. The final message from the President of BEM FEB UNAIR before closing his speech was, "make every place a school, every person a teacher and every event a lesson for a better future & to become a more useful person."
(President of BEM FEB UNAIR - Tariq Priatmodjo in his speech at the 2021 PIKMEN FEB UNAIR Event, 4-5 September 2021 - Online).
Deputy Dean I FEB UNAIR also agreed with what was voiced by Vania and Tariq that to speak the truth, you don't need to go through demonstrations, but simply help the movement through the positive platforms available.
“Special Force”, Dean of FEB UNAIR - Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., MSi., Ak., CMA., CA, also agreed that the current class is called a special class, as stated in Vania's speech. Furthermore, Prof. Dian Agustia, SE., MSi., Ak., CMA., CA. emphasized that as a special class, "don't be a KuPu-KuPu (Home Lecture - Home Lecture) student, but between studying and going home, you must create activities that have a positive impact on those around you." Students must have 6 competencies, some of which are creative, communication, critical thinking, and computational thinking. These competencies must continue to be honed and developed. Even the current pandemic conditions should not be used as a barrier, however, it is necessary to continuously increase the level of self-effectiveness of a student. Hard skills and soft skills are also important aspects for future preparation for FEB UNAIR students.
The FEB SATU slogan - UNAIR HEBAT, must be realized, because HEBAT itself has the meaning of Humble, Excellent, Brave, Agile and Transcendent. Which means not being arrogant, honest, humble, all existing good qualities and competencies must continue to be honed and developed within oneself, always dare to work, be creative, achieve, dare to convey the truth, be agile, be able to move quickly in everything to create creation, taking advantage of opportunities, and handing over all our hard work and also the final results, only to Allah SWT alone, walking with Him in carrying out various activities, from Him we thank everything with full happiness in working and creating.
THE POWER OF YOUTH VOICE IN DIVERSITY is the theme of PIKMEN this year, where the voices of fellow new students will have a big impact on change with all the diversity that exists. With this theme, new students are able to realize that I, YOU, WE are FEB! namely ONE!
(The atmosphere of the PIKMEN FEB UNAIR 2021 event which was attended by 1045 New Students of the FEB UNAIR Undergraduate Program FY 2021/2022, at the PIKMEN FEB UNAIR 2021 event, 4-5 September 2021 - Online).
O "Special Force", pandemic conditions like this are not an obstacle for us to increase productivity. Be a student who can make the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlanggaproud.
GREETINGS FROM US, to the Young Airlangga Knights, the Generation of Pioneers of Change FEB UNAIR, keep spreading your wings out there without having to worry about the state of the world and you will know how far you can carry the good name of your beloved alma mater, the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga.
(Humble, Excellent, Brave, Agile , and Transcendent)
PIKMEN 2021 is a series of orientation activities for new year students with the aim of introducing the world of college, especially in the FEB Unair environment and instilling values that create a sense of pride in FEB Unair. This series of activities was organized by all FEB Unair student organizations through the 2021 pikmen committee with the aim of making new students know, be proud of and love the campus and faculty as a place to develop while studying at FEB Unair.
PIKMEN 2021 itself carries the theme "The Power of Youth Voice in Diversity". This theme depicts the power of young people who can really make a difference to the country even with just small actions. With youth associations, all diversity will create unity and form togetherness.
PIKMEN 2021 will be held on September 4 and 5. Where the series of events consisted of an FEB talk show, a talk show for FEB mawapres and student students, a sharing session for FEB alumni, a Focus Group Discussion, and several socializations.
PIKMEN 2021 is expected to be able to introduce the world of campus and FEB lectures to new 2021 students, and also through the treatment provided to develop the skills of new 2021 students.
#Airlangga University