This afternoon, Thursday, July 15 2021, a Dissemination and Debriefing of Independent Teaching Campus Students Batch 1 and 2 was held. The online event lasted for 2 hours starting at 12.30 WIB, and was attended by the Dean of FEB UNAIR Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE.,M.Si., Ak., CMA., CA., Deputy Dean I for Academic and Student Affairs, Dr. Wisnu Wibowo, SE., M.Si, Head of Public Relations Nur Aini Hidayati, SE., M.SI., Ph.D and also Heads of the FEB UNAIR Study Program.
The Independent Teaching Campus Program is one form of activity from the Independent Learning-Independent Campus Program from the Ministry of Education and Culture as a program so that students can hone their independence, increase their competence and apply real applications in society so that graduates can become future leaders of the nation. superior and personable.
Dissemination was carried out for students who had participated in the Independent Teaching Campus Program Batch 1 and provision for FEB UNAIR students before joining the Independent Teaching Campus Program Batch 2. It was very encouraging and encouraging to hear stories from the students that the motivation of the majority of them to take part in the program was to gain teaching experience and increasing competence. In Batch 1 there were 15 people accepted and these students teach at several elementary schools that have been determined by the Ministry of Education and Culture, and Batch 2 participants are currently waiting for the announcement where they will be placed.
At the event, the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga, conveyed a message to students to always maintain the good name of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga, maintain the good name of the alma mater, maintain the UNAIR value "Excellence with Morality" including paying attention to how to communicate, how to interact. as long as students carry out the Teaching Campus Program, because when students go out into the community they are representatives of UNAIR so students are also expected to become ambassadors for the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga.
Congratulations on serving the nation and making your alma mater proud