UNAIR NEWS – The graduation procession Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) for the June 2021 period is an important and happy moment that the graduates have been waiting for. Even though it was held using a blended , the June 2021 graduation ceremony which was held on Saturday (26/06/21) still went ahead solemnly.

On this occasion, Dr. Thinzar Win, who comes from Myanmar, delivered his speech, as the representative of the graduates. He admitted that it was an honor for him to be able to stand on the podium and give a speech. Thinzar also expressed his gratitude for the trust that had been given to him to represent the graduates.

The graduate of the Doctoral Program in Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UNAIR, said that he felt comfortable and happy living in Indonesia. For Thinzar, UNAIR, Surabaya and Indonesia will always be in his heart, even though he will return to Myanmar after graduation.

“I am truly grateful to have the opportunity to live in a comfortable and peaceful Indonesia, especially at FEB UNAIR. "The lecturers and educational staff always provide service wholeheartedly, and always support us (graduates, ed), so that I can complete my studies in less than three years," he said.

Representing all the graduates, Thinzar expressed his thanks and respect to all parties who helped with the education process at UNAIR. So, he and the other graduates can complete their education well.

In his speech, he also expressed his happiness over UNAIR's achievement of being ranked 465th in the QS World University Ranking. Not to forget, Thinzar thanked the university leadership, faculty leaders and lecturers who were always patient in guiding and providing knowledge and their life journey to students.

“We hope that the knowledge we have gained so far can be put into practice and be useful for society. Apart from that, we hope that the academic community will always make things easier in all their problems, as they have made things easier and helped us during our education. "We also apologize for the mistakes we made, we will take all these mistakes as lessons for the future," said Thinzar.

Apart from that, Thinzar also expressed his pride in being a graduate from UNAIR. With the motto excellence with Morality , UNAIR has taught its students how important it is to align their intellect with their personality as students.

"We need to realize that graduation is not the end of the struggle, but the beginning of our struggle through the post-graduation field. Let's join forces together and share the knowledge that we have been fighting for so far with the community. "Hopefully we are all successful, and useful for the nation and state," he concluded. (*)

Author: Alysa Intan Santika

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

source: http://news.unair.ac.id/2021/06/26/wisudawan-asal-myanmar-bangga-jadi-lulusan-kampus-top-500-dunia/