
The sons and daughters of Ksatria Airlangga have made another achievement through FEB Unair. Saturday and Sunday, 2-3 December 2017, Universitas Airlangga held a graduation procession for the December 2017 period in the auditorium of Campus C Unair. FEB Unair contributed 457 graduates consisting of 380 undergraduate graduates, 62 master's graduates and 15 doctoral graduates.
Among the graduates, there were 3 graduates who received the title of best graduate and 2 graduates with the title of outstanding graduate.
They are Ida Wijayanti (S1 Islamic Economics Study Program) with a GPA of 3.92, David Mundovi (Master of Management Study Program) with a GPA of 3.88, Miguel Angel Esquivias Padilla (S3 Economics Study Program) with a GPA of 3.95 as the best graduate.

Outstanding graduates of FEB Unair Dec 2017 a



And the 2 outstanding graduates of FEB Unair are Moh. Rusdinal Muslih, Abdillah Wicaksana Basri.(cps)