Congratulations continue to pour in for Dr. Kartika Hidayati, the 118th Doctoral Graduate from the Islamic Economics Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga, after completing the Open Session/Exam for the Islamic Economics Doctoral Program, on Thursday, January 28 2021.

Starting from confusion about the fate of corn farmers in Lamongan Regency, Kartika Hidayati expressed all her dreams to participate in finding a solution to overcome the root of the poverty problem of corn farmers in Lamongan, in her dissertation entitled "Financing from a Sharia Perspective for Corn Farming in Lamongan".

(From left to right: Promoter : Prof. Dr. Muslich Anshori, SE., M.Sc., Ak and Ko Promoter : Prof. Drs. Tjiptohadi Sawarjuwono, SE., M.Ec., Ph.D., Ak on Open Examination for Islamic Economics Doctoral Program via zoom meeting)

Corn, apart from being the commodity with the second largest agricultural output in Lamongan Regency after rice, corn production in the Lamongan Regency area is also ranked second after Tuban Regency.

However, even though corn is a mainstay commodity for Lamongan Regency, this is not the case with the fate of corn farmers in the area. What Kartika Hidayati witnessed in the field was actually the opposite. The high corn production is not significantly accompanied by the level of welfare of corn farmers in the area.

From her frequent activities in the field, Kartika Hidayati (Deputy Regent of Lamongan - Active) discovered that one of the sub-districts in Lamongan Regency, out of the 27 existing sub-districts, is the sub-district.

Kedungpring, is the only sub-district where the average farmer is a poor farmer, where the average agricultural land ownership is very small, less than 0.5 ha, for this reason this area was chosen as a pilot area in Kartika Hidayati's research in applying corn farming financing using using a sharia-based financing system. Kartika chose the sharia-based financing system not without reason. The reason is, until now these poor farmers prefer to borrow from moneylenders, in order to start their production activities. Based on Kartika Hidayati's observations, farmers prefer to borrow money from moneylenders, considering the various ease of access provided. Farmers do not need to leave work to get debts because loan sharks can come directly to their homes. Disbursement of money also doesn't take a long time. It doesn't stop there, apart from the habit of small farmers borrowing money through moneylenders, most farmers also still use the bonded debt system to sell their agricultural products; all of which, of course, will not have an impact on improving their welfare.

So, to be able to implement all her dreams in participating in significantly improving the welfare of corn farmers in Lamongan Regency, through her idea to implement a sharia-based financing system, Kartika Hidayati doesn't want to just stop at exams and getting good grades; However, Kartika hopes that the results of her research can be directly responded to by policy holders. In the open session chaired by Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., MSi., Ak., CMA., CA. , with Promoter: Prof. Dr. Muslich Anshori, SE., M.Sc., Ak; Co-Promoter: Prof. Drs. Tjiptohadi Sawarjuwono, SE., M.Ec., Ph.D., Ak, and another supporter, Kartika Hidayati, also invited several invited academic guests, who have the authority to make policies, including: Dra. Hj. Khofifah Indar Parawansa, M.Si (Governor of East Java); Dr. (HC) Drs. H. Abdul Halim Iskandar, M.Pd (Minister of Village PDTT RI); Arzeti Bilbina, SE., MAP (Member of the DPR RI); Dra. Hj. Safira Machrusah, MA (Ambassador of Algeria); Drs. KH. Marzuki Mustamar, M.Si (Chairman of PWNU East Java).

Furthermore, Kartika Hidayati explained that sharia-based financing is a financing system that will be able to overcome the root of the poverty problem of corn farmers in Lamongan Regency, because farmers will be able to increase their productivity. Kartika Hidayati further explained that the mudharabah - murabahah scheme is a good financing scheme to be implemented for farmers, because through this financing system, farmers are proven to be able to feel justice, feel blessings in their sustenance, feel that there is a law that equally binds them, be it farmers and loan owners. Apart from that, farmers also feel that they have not suffered a loss, meaning that if the farmer experiences a loss, the loss is not only borne by the farmer himself, but also the responsibility of the loan owner. What's more, farmers can feel the benefits more when there is market guarantee assistance for their bumper crops.


Kartika Hidayati added that if the mudharabah - murabahah financing scheme is later established as a government policy, in the future it will be necessary to add a salam contract; so that it will provide more benefits for small farmers. This model of agricultural financing through a salam contract contains the smallest risk between the farmer and the loan owner (syariah banking or sharia cooperative).  


Of course, this dream will not be realized easily without full support from the government, from upstream to downstream. As Deputy Regent of Lamongan, Kartika Hidayati is very aware that without government intervention, from regional to central, this will be difficult to realize. For this reason, Kartika Hidayati is very aware that it is the government's duty to collaborate with all sharia banks, as well as sharia actors, such as sharia cooperatives/BMT and so on, to jointly provide education/provide socialization to the community on a massive scale. The government has a full obligation to provide protection to the community, especially corn farmers. The government is obliged to provide massively through established regulations, because with regulations, everything will be well controlled.


(Minister of Village PDTT RI, Dr (HC). Drs. H. Abdul Halim Iskandar, M.Pd, when joining the Open Session of the Islamic Economics Doctoral Program via zoom meeting with the Chair of the Session - Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., MSi., Ak., CMA., CA and Promovenda - Kartika Hidayati )


Through good regulations, this policy will not only be felt by corn farmers in Lamongan Regency, but will be felt throughout East Java, perhaps even throughout Indonesia. For this reason, massive socialization is something that requires the intervention of regional and central leaders, both at the district, provincial and central levels, and it becomes a policy in the form of a regulation.


Drs. KH. Marzuki Mutamar, M.Si - Chair of the East Java PWNU, also appealed to all policy makers about the importance of national food security so that they do not depend on foreign countries; policies for land use, wages for agricultural laborers, regulations for abandoned plots of land, use of surrounding forests with intercropping, so that our country remains sovereign in the food sector.


(Drs. KH. Marzuki Mustamar, M.Si - Chair of PWNU East Java, in his appeal, when joining the open session of the Islamic Economics Doctoral Program via zoom meeting with Promoter: Prof. Dr. Muslich Anshori, SE., M.Sc., Ak, Chair of the Session – Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., MSi., Ak., CMA., CA and Promovenda - Kartika Hidayati)


Kartika Hidayati (Deputy regent of Lamongan Regency, who also serves as Chair of IKA – UNAIR for Lamongan Regency), hopes that through the People's Representatives at the Center, this research can be an inspiration to be fought for as a state policy, starting from the Center and continuing together with the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga, to continue to develop this research and implement it in real terms to the community, so that the benefits can be felt directly by the community.

(Arzeti Bilbina, SE., MAP - Member of the DPR RI; also accommodated aspirations and bright ideas in the Open Session of the Doctoral Program in Islamic Economics, via zoom meeting with the Chair of the Session - Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., MSi., Ak. , CMA., CA. and Promovenda – Kartika Hidayati )

Hopefully this research can bring blessings to the nation and state.

Keep fighting and working, O Airlangga Knight.

Make your promise of service to your homeland and your nation come true.





