The socialization of the Student Creativity Program (PKM) at the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR) took place in 2 sessions, namely 11:00 to 12:45 for students of the Islamic Economics and Management undergraduate study program, then the second session, namely 13.15 to 15.15 for students of the Accounting and Development Economics study program which was attended by 500 students online and presented 2 speakers, namely: Dr. Eduardus Bimo Aksono Herupradoto, drh., M.Kes. (National Review Team, FKH Unair Lecturer) and Dr. Tri Siwi Agustina, SE., M.Si (Lecturer in S1 Management, FEB Unair, Entrepreneurship Coordinator PPKKHA Universitas Airlangga ).

Mrs. Siwi

According to Mrs. Siwi: Students from the Faculty of Economics and Business are often trapped in choosing the PKM idea, namely PKM - K (PKM Entrepreneurship) only, even though from the 5 PKM fields offered, FEB students can choose PKM Social Humanities, PKM Applied Technology, PKM Community Service, PKM Written ideas and PKM Scientific Articles. The key to PKM is Creativity, not Profit and Loss or High Sales. So in these 5 fields, creativity must be prioritized. Practical Ideas for PKM are Original, Unique, Innovative and Useful.

Mr Bimo

Dr, Eduardus Bimo conveyed that technically the PKM changes were an adjustment to the Covid 19 pandemic, where PKM activities were no longer the same as previous PKMs which required laboratory examinations, sales and production but currently prioritize aspects of health protocols. Therefore, the challenge of this PKM addendum is to transform students' creative ideas in the form of digital displays. (tsa)