Another national achievement achieved by Ksatria Airlangga during this pandemic was Ayu Maharani Putri Setyorini (S1 Management 2017).
Arek Suroboyo, who was born in 1999, succeeded in becoming 1st place in the 2020 National Student Competition for Business, Management and Finance, together with Aisyah P. Rahvy (FKM 2017) through the SEGER WARAS UNAIR team, with close assistance from Supervisor Dr. Tri Siwi Agustina, SE., M.Si.
Business planning that helps achieve Sustainable Development Goals ( SDG ) point 3, namely Good Health and Well Being .
The competition event held by the Ministry of Education and Culture opened on May 28 2020. By starting a long journey, the UNAIR team also submitted business planning proposals with 185 delegates from all state and private universities in Indonesia.
Then on September 26 2020, from the 186 teams that registered, only 14 teams were selected to enter the semifinals, then filtered again into the top 5, namely from UGM, Binus-Unpad, UMM, Sriwijaya State Polytechnic, and UNAIR.
At 8 pm on the same day the 5 teams received a study case, which must then be submitted on September 27 2020 at. 05.00 am.
From the results of the five teams' presentations today, Universitas Airlangga won 1st place, followed by Binus-Unpad as 2nd place and then Muhammadiyah University of Malang as 3rd place.
What is actually interesting about the Seger Waras Unair team that can make the judges superior among the 185 other entered teams...
Seger Waras is an invention or design of a telehealth application based on traditional-herbal medicine, by collaborating with partners from traditional health care (battra), massage, acupuncture, other alternative medicine and herbal medicine clinics. Targeting people aged 15-29 years who live in big cities with unhealthy lifestyles and eating patterns, such as workaholics, consuming junk food, and high levels of stress. Where they will consume dangerous chemical drugs in the long term.
A safe and secure solution to health problems is Seger Waras, because our traditional medicine and herbal medicine shops must have certificates based on the Minister of Health Regulation.
Once again, congratulations to the Airlangga Knights for their national level achievements during the Covid-19 pandemic.