PT. Astra Otoparts, Tbk. attended his visit to the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga (FEB Unair), Tuesday, March 10 2020, at the FEB Unair Leadership Meeting Room, to carry out rebranding, as well as to explore other collaborations in the education sector such as Internship Programs for Students, Guest Lecturers , Seminars, Workshops, Public Lectures, Training, up to recruitment as employees.

PT. Astra Otoparts, Tbk., through its representative Ratnasari Kurniawati, S.Psi. Head – Corp. Recruitment People Development, accompanied by Christiawan, S.Psi – Analys - Corp. Recruitment People Development, stated that from PT. Astra Otoparts, Tbk. There are 2 (two) business lines, namely manufacturing and trading, where the manufacturing line will be open to around 40% of social students, while for the trading line, it will be open to all study programs at FEB Unair, be it the Management Study Program, the Accounting Studies, Economics Study Program and Islamic Economics Study Program, to be able to do work internships at companies.

From left to right (1-4): Subdivision Head. Student Affairs - Indah Yulia Prafitaningtyas, MT; Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Airlagga University – Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., MSc., CMA., CA.; Deputy Dean III FEB Unair – Dr. Nisful Laila; Staff of Deputy Dean I FEB Unair – M. Khoerul Mubin, SE., MSc.  

From right to left (1-2): Head – Corp. Recruitment People Development of PT. Astra Otoparts, Tbk. - Ratnasari Kurniawati, S.Psi.; Analys – Corp. Recruitment People Development of PT. Astra Otoparts, Tbk. - Christiawan, S.Psi.

Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Airlagga University – Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., MSc., CMA., CA. and his staff, Deputy Dean III FEB Unair – Dr. Nisful Laila; Staff of Deputy Dean I FEB Unair – M. Khoerul Mubin, SE., MSc. also Head of Subdivision. Student Affairs - Indah Yulia Prafitaningtyas, MT., of course happily welcomes and is open to PT's wishes. Astra Otoparts, Tbk. to establish cooperation in the field of education.

Furthermore, Prof. Dian Agustia explained that for this year and in the future, the Internship Program for Students is a structured internship program, where in more detail will be agreed in detail in the agreement (MOA), both regarding the selection process, implementation time, credit load, supervisors from both appointed party, effective internship period of 1 (one) semester, compensation, expected design learning outcomes, assessment at the end of the internship, and so on.


In connection with the selection process Dr. Nisful Laila, also very much agrees, "that this will be very interesting for students, when in the selection process from PT. Astra Otopart, Tbk. "Full Day Training / Workshop is carried out first," so that after the selection process, those who don't pass will still get benefits, namely in the form of knowledge gained from the training, while those who pass will of course join seriously in entering the field they are interested in. Meanwhile, regarding the issue of learning outcomes, since the beginning of the discussion, Dr. Nisful Laila has proposed and agreed to immediately design in advance the expected learning outcome targets for students, after completing the work internship program. 


Ratnasari Kurniawati, S.Psi. also confirmed that PT. Astra Otoparts, Tbk. also hopes that with a mutual agreement, through this program, each will still have clarity on the portion of their duties, as well as the rules and benefits that can be obtained/expected, so that apart from the spirit of development, also in the end, if the students are compatible with work during the internship, then students can continue with the recruitment process as PT employees. Astra Otoparts, Tbk.

At the end of the meeting, Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, said that "I felt very happy with the meeting that morning, because "there were many positive things that could be resolved, and hopefully cooperation could continue to be established".

Hopefully blessings will always be poured out for every togetherness, friendship and cooperation that exists. (iwl)