The Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS) was present at the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (FEB Unair) as part of the inaugural meeting of the "Discussion Forum in Surabaya", where the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga acted as host (19/02/2020).


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Surabaya Discussion Forum between the Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS) and academics/researchers in the city of Surabaya and its surroundings

Through this inaugural meeting, Iman Gunadi Ph.D, Director of the Research Group of the Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS) hopes to be able to form a community between the Academic Community and Practitioners who share a passion/concern in the field of financial stability. These researchers will regularly hold meetings/discussion groups to improve communication with each other.

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Director of the LPS Research Group in his presentation

In more detail, Iman Gunadi Ph.D. Explaining the importance of the researchers' discussion forum, where research is a bridge to formulating credible and optimal public policies. research as a support for public policy formulation, there is a need for information and research data in research development, there is a need for symmetric information between financial authorities and academics in order to help develop science and research development on both sides, encourage mutually beneficial research collaboration between academics and authorities financial institutions.

Present at the event were academics from various universities in Surabaya. Such as the Sepuluh November Institute of Technology (ITS), Muhammadiyah University Surabaya, STIE Perbanas, Semen Indonesia International University (UISI), UPN Veteran East Java, WR Supratman University and UIN Sunan Ampel. The event was opened directly by the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga, Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE,.Msi,.Ak,.CMA,.CA.  

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Dean of FEB Unair Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia SE,.Msi,.Ak,.CMA,.CA. (right) with LPS Research Group Director Iman Gunadi Ph.D (left)

The Dean of FEB Unair welcomed the plan, and hoped that this meeting could take place regularly and be useful for scientific development and policy development.

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