The Management of the Student Organization of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga (Ormawa FEB Unair) consisting of the Student Legislative Body (BLM), Student Executive Board (BEM), Student Association of the Development Economics S1 Study Program (Himaprodi), S1 Management Study Program, Accounting S1 Study Program Student Association , Islamic Economics Undergraduate Study Program Association, Faculty Student Activity Unit (UKMF) Sector Student Press and Publishing Institute (LPPM Sector), UKMF Entrepreneur Business Society Workshop (WEBS), UKMF Economics Radio (E-radio), UKMF Catholic Spiritual Services (PKK), UKMF Protestant Spiritual Services (PKP), UKMF Moslem Students Association of Economy Faculty (MoSAIC), UKMF Capital Market Study Group (KSPM), UKMF Student Cooperative (KOPMA), UKMF Reasoning Association of Sharia Economics Studies (AcSES), (Himaprodi) Masters Master of Management Science, Master of Accounting Master's Study Program, Master of Economics Master's Study Program, Master of Science in Islamic Economics, and Economics of Doctoral Study Program, for the 2020-2021 period were officially inaugurated by the Dean of FEB Unair, Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., MSi., Ak., CMA., CA. Located in the Fadjar Notonagoro Hall, 2nd Floor of the FEB Unair Building, the inauguration was held on February 10 2020. The event, which took place solemnly and proudly, was also attended by the Deputy Dean I, Dr. Rudi Purwono; Deputy Dean II, Dr. Ahmad Rizki Sridadi;, FEB Unair Managers, Chair and Deputy Chair of IKAFE Unair, Sentot Imam Wahjono '82 and Rizky Supriadi '87, and banking practitioners from both BNI KCP Unair and Bank Syariah Mandiri Unair. 

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Exciting Atmosphere at the Inauguration Event of the New Student Organization Management for the 2020 Period, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga


The oath and promise of the 2020 Student Organization Management was sung together with enthusiasm by all student organization administrators who were present on the night of the inauguration.

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Reading of the oath and promise of the Student Organization Management for the 2020 Period

In his speech, the newly appointed Chairman of BEM 'Sa'ad - Management 2017' told the story of a great leader, namely the story of Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX and a woman in the market, at the end of the story Saad gave a conclusion and lessons that could be learned from the story. stated, that "A leader is a servant, but not all servants can be leaders. Who doesn't want to be a servant, don't be a leader.” Sa'ad also hopes that within one period of his leadership, together with educators who can serve, they will jointly manage the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga . Saad also invited all his colleagues to become students who can intervene and not students who stand idly by, because in reality cool students are students who have a lot of work and not a lot of style, students who excel and not students who take a lot of action.

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Speech from the Chair of BEM FEB UNAIR 2020 Period

Pride, happiness and gratitude were expressed in the speech given by the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga , Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., MSi., Ak. because according to him, on the night of the inauguration, the Fadjar Notonegoro FEB Unair Hall was filled with leaders from 10 years later. More than 700 people, administrators and members of Student Organizations for both the 2019 and 2020 periods, attended the inauguration ceremony. 


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Speech from the Dean of Feb Unair, Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., MSi., Ak. CMA., CA


Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., MSi., Ak., CMA., CA. also gave extraordinary appreciation for the leadership period of BEM 2019 under the leadership of Muhammad Hanif Ichwanuddin - Management 2016 (who is often called Hanif). In his speech, Hanif gave a message to his younger siblings (Ormawa 2020 management) so that they can perfect all the shortcomings that existed during their leadership period, as well as inserting a small joke as encouragement that "Being an Organizational Manager is NOT NICE", said Hanif, and the audience also There was silence for a moment, but then he continued his sentence "But, it would be even worse if you never became a manager." Suddenly, it invited amazed laughter from his friends, because without being involved in student organizations they would never have experienced various kinds of upheavals and various learning processes. 


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Signing of Minutes of Handover of Position from the Chair of BEM FEB Unair for the 2019 Period to the Chair of BEM FEB Unair for the 2020 Period. (from right to left, Sa'ad, Chair of BEM FEB Unair for the 2020 Period, Chair of BEM FEB Unair for the 2019 Period) and (from left to right , Dean of FEB Unair Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., MSi., Ak CMA., CA, Deputy Dean I Dr.

The Dean of FEB Unair also advised in his final speech "not to forget that in our hearts there is Universitas Airlangga which must be protected ethically and morally", as is the motto Universitas Airlangga "Excellence with Morality", FEB SATU, UNAIR HEBAT (Humble, Excellence, Brave , Agile, Transcendence).

May the service of those of you who have served and those who will carry out your duties, always be blessed by Allah SWT, be smooth and blessed. Amen. (iwl)