Funeral Prof Siti Sulasmi 23 Jan 2020

UNAIR NEWS  Sad news accompanied by sobs covered the funeral procession for Professor of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) on Thursday (23/1/2020) in the Dean's Room of FEB UNAIR. The reason is that on Wednesday, January 22 2020 at 21.00, UNAIR lost one of its best daughters. He is Prof. Dr. Hj. Siti Sulasmi Irawan, Psi., M.Sc, who once served as Chair of the FEB Masters in Management Study Program, has left us all to face the Eternal Beloved.

“The time has come for God to call him home forever. We as colleagues were of course very surprised by the news but that was the end of his suffering from illness. "One thing that we remember as colleagues is that he was a person with high enthusiasm and remained responsible for all his guidance," said Prof. Dr. Maemunah Soeharto as a colleague of Prof. Siti.

Previously it was known that Prof. Siti had been suffering from a stroke for quite some time, but in her illness Prof. Siti continued to take part in recitations and seniors' gymnastics, until finally after finishing dinner the recipient of the Satyalencana Karya Satya XX award left us all without burdening anyone and also leaving behind beautiful memories from her lifetime.

Told by Drg. Herman Mulyantoro as Prof.'s older cousin. Siti was also very surprised by the news of Prof. Siti. He also didn't seem to expect that this afternoon he would stand up to represent the family to give a speech and thank all parties because they were still accepted as a big UNAIR family.

"That he has served for decades so that what has been given will hopefully be useful for all of us, and we pray together that what has been dedicated to Airlangga will be accepted by Allah as his good deeds," said Drg Herman.

On that occasion, UNAIR Chancellor Prof. Mohammad Nasih, SE, MT, Ak., CMA and former student of the deceased gave a speech as well as a release and final respect for Prof. Siti. The Chancellor expressed his condolences on behalf of the entire UNAIR academic community for the death of Prof. Siti.

"We are all witnesses of his goodness, he has knowledge that has been passed down to his students which will be useful for us in navigating life and the rewards will flow to Prof. Siti," chancellor

At the end of Prof. Nasih invites you to emulate the life of Prof. Siti, who throughout her life was smiling and always enthusiastic, was in good health and was also suffering from a stroke . So his enthusiasm is worth emulating and following the various kinds of goodness that Prof. Siti throughout her life. (*)

Author: Febrian Tito Zakaria Muchtar

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia
