2nd Place in Entrepreneurship Award

2 Management Study Program students class of 2017, namely Patricia Debiyanti, Deffa Lovita and Aditya Aqilatif (Vocational Faculty students class of 2017) Universitas Airlangga who are members of the Djoeprek Chicken Team, won 2nd place in the Food and Beverage category at the 2019 Indonesian Student Business Competition Expo, a national scale event held regularly every year by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education at the Batam State Polytechnic. The KBMI program itself aims to explore the potential for entrepreneurial spirit and business ideas among students. At the event which was attended by 104 universities throughout Indonesia, apart from the Djoeprek Chicken Team, other teams that succeeded in winning awards were the Vetmilk Haira Team (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine) which won 1st place in the Creative Industry category and the Biozfer Team (Faculty of Science and Technology) as champion. 3rd Professional Launching. Congratulations on the achievements of the proud young entrepreneurs Universitas Airlangga . (tsa)