Tired faces hung on 14 students and a lecturer from DOON BUSINESS SCHOOL India. Their long journey from India to Singapore and then to Indonesia caused this fatigue. The long distance between India and Indonesia does not diminish their enthusiasm for studying Strategic Management at MM FEB Universitas Airlangga.

Welcomed by Madurese dance, Indonesian culinary and acoustic entertainment from Management students, they will take part in the International Class Strategic Journey Program held by MM FEB for 5 days (21-26 November 2106)

On the second day, foreign students, together with students from MM and MSM, learned from Strategic lecturers such as Prof. Bambang Tjahjadi, Gancar C. Premananto. Dian Ekowati Phd, Dr Ing. Hendro Wicaksono and closed by Dr Negi from India.


Prof. Bambang Tjahyadi delivered material on "Strategic Thinking for Non-Profit Organizations", continued by Dr. Gancar C Premananto about "5 C's in the mind of Strategist". After lunch with an Indonesian menu, participants received material on "Strategy for Change Management" from Dian Ekowati, PhD and "Big Data Analysis for Strategic Purpose" by Dr. Eng. Hendro Wicaksono. From India, Navajyoti Singh Negi, PhD, closed with "Cross Cultural in Strategy Setting".
All material was followed with full attention from Indian and Indonesian students.