Indonesia has now opened the door to trade in accounting services in the ASEAN region.
However, to be able to compete competitively in the ASEAN Economic Community, several aspects of the Indonesian accounting profession need to receive serious attention and effective follow-up by both the government and associations. Several aspects that have emerged, such as professional demographics, quantity of practitioners, and professional competence of Indonesian accountants, still need to be developed and improved.
On the other hand, the regulation of the accounting profession in Indonesia is still not optimal in matters of coordination and harmonization. There are several regulators that regulate the accounting profession and some of the regulations overlap, so they are felt to be too burdensome for the profession. Furthermore, basically Indonesia does not yet have comprehensive guidance regarding strategies for developing the Indonesian accounting profession. This guide is needed as a mutually agreed basic framework in providing direction for stakeholders to develop the Indonesian accounting profession
Following up on the above, in 2016 the Financial Profession Development Center (PPPK) initiated the formation of the Indonesian Accounting Profession Architecture (APAI), a basic framework that is comprehensive and explains the main factors that influence the achievement of a trustworthy and accountable accounting profession. This architecture was created to provide direction for the development of the Indonesian Accounting profession and is the main reference for various parties in making policies for the development of the accounting profession within their authority.
To prepare this architecture, PPPK carried out a series of activities starting from initial data collection, literature review, focus group discussions (FGD), hearing exposure draft, finalizing the APAI draft, and so on. At this stage, PPPK held a public hearing, exposure draft by inviting stakeholders to discuss APAI.