Not surprised by this performance, Dr. Sukoco has now qualified for the PAK Kemenristekdikti Team and could become the youngest Professor at Universitas Airlangga. This is the basis for the Award Selection Committee to select Dr. Sukoco as one of the recipients of the Outstanding Young Alumni Award at NCKU Taiwan's 85th anniversary.
FEB News
NCKU Outstanding Young Alumni Award
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- Category: FEB News
- FEB Student Affairs By
On the 85th anniversary of National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Taiwan, on November 11 2016, the Outstanding Young Alumni Award was handed over to 85 NCKU alumni. The distribution of awards is based on the number of alumni held by each college (faculty), where currently NCKU has 9 colleges.
One of the FEB UNAIR lecturers, Badri Munir Sukoco, PhD, was chosen as one of the recipients of the award. Of the 85 award recipients, only 2 foreign alumni received the award (one of them was from the Philippines). The criteria for this award are alumni under 50 years of age who have outstanding achievements.
According to the award selection committee, Dr. Sukoco is considered to have consistent performance in the field of tri dharma of higher education. In 2010 and 2015 he was selected as an outstanding lecturer at Universitas Airlangga, and in 2015 he became a Finalist for an outstanding lecturer at the national level. In the field of research, currently Dr. Sukoco has 12 articles indexed on Thompson Reuters ISI with an h-index of 6 and cited 112 times. As for Scopus, Dr. Sukoco has 9 articles with an h-index of 6 and cited 191 times. On Google Scholar, Dr. Sukoco has an h-index of 11 and was cited 751 times. Apart from that, Dr. Sukoco is active in institutional development activities (Chair of the Planning and Development Agency and Member of the UNAIR MWA) and at the national level (Member of the WCU Team of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education).