There was an interesting learning method on Tuesday 14 November, for Bachelor of Management students at FEB Universitas Airlangga . They received visits from practitioners and alumni who had been successful at Superindo to share knowledge.
Practitioners who are resource persons are also very experts in the retail sector, including:
Mr. Wirawan Winarto (Vice President Operations), Mr. Levi Febryn (Div. Head Human Resource & Organizational Development), Mrs. Yuvlinda Susanta (Dept. Head Corporate Communications & Sustainability).
What made the event exciting were the games and shopping voucher prizes between the events. Students who were already enthusiastic about the speakers' presentations became increasingly stimulated to actively ask and answer questions. For the manager of the Bachelor of Management Study Program, Mrs. Dr Masmira Kurniawati, this event was very positive for students to gain real experience in the world of retail. The same thing was also conveyed by the Dean of FEB Universitas Airlangga , Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, MSi, Ak in his opening speech, which essentially built linkages between practitioners and academics, must be continuously pursued by managers.

Thus, last Tuesday's learning can be said to have made all parties happy, including students, managers and practitioners from Superindo.
Always success for the Management Department..