Dr John Vong ICAM to FEB Unair 6 May 2019 a

Monday, the start of fasting is not an obstacle to discussing the progress of the Faculty of Economics and Business.
Dr. John Vong and the team from the International Center for ASEANA Management visited FEB Unair to discuss several matters related to research publications. Present on that occasion was Deputy Dean II, Dr. Ahmad Risky Sridadi, KPS MM FEB Unair, Dr. Gancar C. Premananto, SE. MSi and Head of the Research and Publication Center (3P), Iman Harimawan, PhD. Various interesting things were discussed to speed up research publications at FEB Unair within a 1 year duration.

Dr John Vong ICAM to FEB Unair 6 May 2019 b

Source: http://mm.feb.unair.ac.id/id/mmnews/925-membahas-kerja-sama-riset-dengan-icam.html