The Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (FEB-Unair) is holding a series of events to commemorate its 55th anniversary. This series of Anniversary events was held with the aim of strengthening the collaboration that FEB-Unair has with stakeholders, both internal stakeholders consisting of students, lecturers, employees and alumni and external ones. This Dies Natalis was also held to show FEB-Unair's high appreciation for its stakeholders and show the excellence and achievements that FEB-Unair has achieved to the wider community.

The success of this activity was due to the involvement of sponsors from Peruri, PLN JBTB, Pupuk Indonesia and BRI.

FEB Day - 8 August 2016 - FEB Unair

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga . On Monday, August 8 2016, FEB-Unair invited high school students throughout Surabaya and the surrounding community in general to provide information regarding the advantages possessed by FEB-Unair in terms of learning, research and community service. Invited high school students will briefly be given the experience of studying at FEB-Unair which is usually only enjoyed by students. Accompanying teachers will also be given refresher material on Economics, Management, Accounting. There was also the FEB Research Expo to show FEB-Unair's excellence in the field of research, the FEB Achievement Expo to illustrate other advantages that FEB-Unair had achieved, FEB Photo Expo, Entrepreneurship Bazaar, and screening of FEB videos.

FEB Olympics - 27 August 2016 - FEB Unair

The FEB Olympics is a series of Anniversary events consisting of sports competitions which are attended by students, alumni, education staff and teaching staff within the FEB-Unair environment. This Olympics took place on August 27 2016 at the same time as the Healthy Walk.

Launching FEB UA You Tube Channel - 27 August 2016 - Dyandra Convention Center (Ex. Gramedia Expo)

FEB-UnairYouTube Channel is one of the newest innovations in the public relations sector owned by FEB-Unair. This YouTube Channel will be a means of providing information about FEB-Unair to stakeholders. This open channel will be useful for providing information and insight regarding the excellence of teaching, research and community service as well as other advantages possessed by FEB-Unair as well. The anniversary moment is the right momentum to launch this innovation. This launching will take place at the Gala Dinner at the Isyana Ballroom of the Bumi Hotel Surabaya.

Healthy Walk, Culinary, & Morning Reunion - 27 August 2016 - FEB Building- Unair

The event which took place on Saturday, 27 August 2016, was an opportunity to get closer between alumni, students, lecturers and employees. This event also served as a warm-up for the main event in the form of the Gala Dinner & Award Night which took place in the evening.

Gala Dinner & Award - 27 August 2016- Dyandra Convention Center (Ex. Gramedia Expo)

The Gala Dinner was the highlight of the 55th Anniversary of FEB-Unair activities. This Gala Dinner invites all FEB-Unair stakeholders to strengthen existing collaboration ties. This Gala Dinner will also feature a performance from Dudy Oris. This evening's event will also be accompanied by the giving of prizes to the winners of competitions around the series of Anniversary events, and at its peak it will be closed by giving the Dean's Award to students, alumni, educational staff and lecturers who have excelled and have given their best contribution to the alma mater. The Gala Dinner is planned to take place on Saturday evening, August 27 2016.