Title : The Analysis of Residential Rooftop PV in Indonesia's Electricity Market

Authors :
1. Fajar Nurrohman Haryadi
2. Dzikri Firmansyah Hakam
3. Shochrul Rohmatul Ajija
4. Arionmaro Asi Simaremare
5. Indra Ardhanayudha Aditya

Department : Economics

Journal Name : Economies

Types of Journal : Scopus Q2

Keywords : rooftop PV; Indonesia's electricity market; linear regression; residential


This study aimed to examine the customer interest in using rooftop PV considering the economic background and customer profile in Indonesia's electricity market using primary survey data with potential and existing (households and industries) respondents. This research uses logit regression model to analyze the impact of the demographic background of respondents and uses exploratory factor analysis (EFA) to understand the reasons why existing users utilize rooftop PV at their homes. The results show that education, residence location, and income can positively and significantly affect the probability of using rooftop PV as the source of electricity. Then, there are several factors that influence the use of rooftop PV, such as easily finding it in their area, having concern for the environment, following trends, and loyalty. Some disadvantages of installing rooftop PV are felt by users, such as relatively high installation cost and frequent overheating during usage. Regarding customer satisfaction, most of the respondents from both households and industries answered that they were satisfied with their rooftop's PV. Consumers say that the benefits they obtain are comparable to the required installation costs, and the majority of consumers also say that the rooftop PV worked well and did not need many repairs every month, so consumers did not need to spend significant money on it.in all human resource departments of public sector organizations operating in Pakistan. It finds that information technology has changed the operations and functions of the HR department. Overall 290 questionnaires returned back with 76.86% response rate. Various data tests and controlled moderation models have been applied to achieve the objectives. The results suggest that information technology significantly moderates the execution of human resource functions in human resource departments of Pakistani public sector organizations. The study highlights the increasing importance of IT in the effective functioning of public sector HR departments.

For details : https://www.mdpi.com/2227-7099/9/4/192