Title : Financial Literacy, Impulsive Buying Behavior, and the Z-Gen

Authors :
1. Alfiyatul Qomariyah
2. Gita Ainun Qibtiyah
3. Fatih Andesita Wuri Bemby

Department : Accounting

Journal Name: Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research

Kinds of Journal :

Keywords: Value shopping; financial literacy; urge to buy; impulsive buying behavior.


This study examines the effect of value shopping and financial literacy on urges to buy and impulsive buying behavior. This study uses a quantitative approach and partial least squares (PLS-SEM) to test the hypothesis. The data for this study were obtained from 128 questionnaires of Z-Gen in Indonesia. This study indicates that financial literacy and urge to buy impulsively influence impulsive buying behavior. While value shopping only encourages to buy impulsively but does not affect impulsive buying behavior. However, financial literacy does not involve urgency to buy impulsively. This study enriches the knowledge regarding impulsive buying behavior, specifically for Z-Gen, highly attached to the technology. This study also suggests that Z-Gen need financial literacy to control their impulsive buying behavior.

For details : https://search.proquest.com/openview/3c862f3f708f2330c82bbcebbee1e0af/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=2032316