Title : Human Capital Creation: A Collective Psychological, Social, Organizational and Religious Perspective
Authors :
1. Ansar Abbas
2. Dian Ekowati
3. Fendy Suhariadi
4. Aisha Anwar
Department : Management
Journal Name : Journal of Religion and Health
Kinds of Journal : Scopus Q1
Keywords : Value creation in Existing Human Capital, Human resource
management & development, Leadership, Organizations, Individuals, Human
education, Social psychology, Religious capital, Psychological health, Religious
Psychological, social, cultural, emotional, and organizational perspectives consistently highlight human capital's importance in the literature. We argue that the collective view of different capitals with self-notion is essential for establishing impression, image, and self-esteem. According to the review findings, religious capital
could predict context-specific psychological, cultural, social, emotional, and organizational capital. This acknowledgment can help academics better understand
how religion, social psychology, and other capitals co-create value in human capital
development. This study includes several possible future paths and notes remarkable
qualities that can enhance human capital value development research.
For details : https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10943-022-01665-8