Title : Instagram Usage Behavior: Does It Aim to Look More Attractive?

Authors :
1. Adfiyani FADJAR
3. Sri Wahjuni ASTUTI

Department : Management

Journal Name: Journal of General Management

Types of Journal : Q3

Keywords: Conspicuous consumption, Interdependent self-construal, Upward comparison, Experiential product, Social-Media.


Conspicuous consumption behavior on social media is a behavior that is now common place for most people. The emergence of social media platforms affects social interaction between consumers, where consumers can easily exchange opinions and experiences about purchasing products and experiential products. Conspicuous consumption, which previously could only be done through the media in a limited scope, but the existence of social media also changes the behavior of conspicuous consumption. The upward comparison in this article is a reinforcement between interdependent self-construal and conspicuous consumption on social media. The purpose of the study was to find out how the potential for upward comparisons mediates between interdependent self-constructions and conspicuous consumption. The purpose of this study was to analyze the potential for upward comparison of Instagram usage behavior as a mediation between interdependent self-construction and conspicuous consumption. This study states that consumers who decide to consume experiential product marketers are caused by psychological factors in this case interdependent self-construal and upward comparison.

For details : https://doi.org/10.47750/QAS/23.189.09