Title : Negative vs. Positive Psychology: a Review of the Science of Well-Being

Authors :
1. Ansar Abbas
2. Dian Ekowati
3. Fendy Suhariadi
4. Syed Ali Raza Hamid

Department : Management

Journal Name: Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science

Kinds of Journal: Q1

Keywords : Social psychology · Wellbeing · Health · Education · Positive psychology · Negative psychology · Behavior control · Determinism · Free will


Happiness, well-being, human freedom, and life events are interconnected. Nevertheless, the debate about human well-being struggles to find an exact definition. Literature debates on the importance of positive psychology or adverse effects of negative psychology in the well-being context are discussed separately. However, both counter each other but have their significant and indisputable fact. Human psychology evolves around determinism and Free Will. One type of determinism is hard, while the other is soft. Individuals who are adamant about and embrace acceptance of opportunities are driven by their nature and psychology to choose negative behaviors under hard determinism. They give up their free will, whereas soft determinists use it to make choices and behave positively. However, the researchers looked at negative psychology as a useful aspect and positive psychology's dark side. We argued that there are reasons to suppose that opportunities can develop into options and vice versa. From a well-being perspective, negative and positive psychological strengths and weaknesses can be investigated. From the literature review, useful hypotheses for future research have been derived from our synthesis.

For details : https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12124-022-09708-1