Title: Identification of Factors Determining the Success of Health Care at Correctional Institutions in Indonesia

Authors :
1. Muji Raharjo
2. Anis Eliyana
3. Pahrudin Saputra
4. Rachmawati Dewi Anggraini
5. Sigit Budiyanto
6. Aisha Anwar

Department : Management

Journal Name: International Journal of Public Administration

Kinds of Journal: Q2

Keywords: Health care, health service, correctional institutions, detention center, policymakers, decent work, quality jobs


This study aims to extract the factors that have an impact on the success of health services in correctional institutions in Indonesia. This is an exploratory study that was conducted in 18 correctional institutions spread across 4 islands in Indonesia through virtual interviews and triangulation of sources and experts. This study uses health service standards of correctional institutions from WHO and Mandela Rules covering medical care, health protection, health promotion, and health resilience. The results of this study provide an overview of the success factors of health services in correctional institutions in Indonesia. The implementation of health services is following the standard although the management is adjusted to the resources and environment.

For details : https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01900692.2022.2117379