Dr.Gancar Candra Premananto, SE., M.Si.


The changing of business environment and its fierce competition require every organization to survive and win the competition. The organization's ability to survive is determined by the organization's ability to change and to adapt to the changing environments, such as a disruptive economy. BPJS Employment has been carrying out organizational change or transformation in changing its organizational design and strategic orientation in order to carry out the mandate of the Indonesian Act and environmental changes.
This study describes the process of change that occurs in BPJS Employment related to organizational change such as unfreezing, movement and refreezing, where BPJS Employment has entered the refreezing phase according to the concept of Lewin's Planned Change Model, where all the changes that have been done are certainly going to be brought to the new changing conditions and there is either no opportunity to use old patterns of work or set back. BPJS Employment has made efforts to suppress restraining forces and increase the driving forces that emerge during the transformation process. As for related to design organization, BPJS Employment implements McKinsey 7 Ss Model in which the implementation is done in parallel although not simultaneously, especially according to the research focus is on Hard Ss where this entity uses “structure follows strategy” then followed by business process and system. This study used qualitative research method with descriptive research type. This study also used a holistic single case study and used interviews, observations, and internal documents as data source.
From the research conducted, there are real efforts from BPJS Employment in making changes. The changes process received positive response and support from all employees. The changes are ongoing process, requiring monitoring and evaluation on a continuous basis to determine the development of the changes made so it will always evolve into a better direction. This research opens the opportunity for subsequent researchers in the future, because change is always growing in line with the dynamic environmental changes.

Keywords: Organizational Change, Organizational Design, BPJS employment

Source: http://mm.feb.unair.ac.id/id/kemahasiswaan/article/article-ilmiah/822-produk-organizational-change-dalam-rangka-redesign-organization-dalam-anggaran-bpjs-ketenagakerjaan. html