Title: Green campus competitiveness: implementation of servant leadership

Authors :
1. Roy Setiawan
2. Prof.
Dr. Anis Eliyana SE., M.Si. 3. Tatik Suryani
Department : Management
Journal Name : Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues
Type of Journal : Scopus Q2
Keywords : Servant Leadership; Organizational Commitment; Organizational Citizenship Behavior; Green Campus

In order to achieve the best performance and innovation, every organization has to achieve its competitive advantage.
The advantage which comes from the employee is the extra role behavior (Organizational Citizenship Behavior or OCB). As the requisite for it, the other supporting factors are needed. Those factors are Servant Leadership and Organizational Commitment. In this research, Organizational Commitment is significantly affect OCB, and Servant Leadership is not significantly affect OCB. But Servant Leadership can affect OCB, through Organizational Commitment as an intervening variable at the green campus context. For details : https://drive.google.com/open?id=17hullaRCO_hpmwvXvmfLEiojRNCzgKin