Dian Ekowati, SE., Msi.M.AppCom(Orgch).Ph.D.


Organizational culture, perceived organizational support and employee engagement, is an important factor for a company's success to reach a world-class company.
This research is an explanatory research that will explain the influence of organizational culture to employee engagement with perceived organizational support as a mediating variable through hypothesis testing. This research needed to study more about the influence of organizational culture and perceived organizational support towards employee engagement in PT.
"X". Researchers consider this research as important and interesting because PT. "X" in the face of external problems (breaking the license of brand use, the emergence of strong competitors from newcomers and competitors of similar industries that already exist), the company actually implements Total Productive Maintenance which was an extra role performance for employees, on the other side PT "X" also alter performance management (appraisal performance is used for salary increases and bonuses) aimed at supporting the achievement of the word class organization. The sample in this study was collected through 152 respondents in a company involved in the building materials industry being transformed into a world-class company.
The sampling technique used purposive sampling method, that is, the type of sample selection is not random, the information obtained by using certain considerations where there are criteria that must be met to be a research sample, while the data analysis technique in this study uses hierarchical regression analysis. The results showed that organizational culture had a significant positive effect on employee engagement, organizational culture had a significant positive effect on perceived organizational support, perceived organizational support positively significant to employee engagement and perceived organizational support mediate organizational culture relationship to employee engagement.

Keywords: Corporate Culture, Perceived Organizational Support, Employee
Engagement, hierarchical regression analysis.

Source: mediator-variables-in-pt-x.html