1. What's the Meaning?

    a. Raffle: "Raffle" or "Selling out material by drawing".

    b. Maysir :

         1. Every game contains profits and losses for the perpetrator (Yusuf Qardhawi).

         2. Contracts carried out without clarity regarding the use of money, inaccuracy in calculations, speculation (DSN-MUI).

    c. Betting: An element contained in maysir. Usually in the form of material where one party who wins will get the material at stake, while the other party must give up what is at stake.

2. Types of Raffles:

  1. Prospective buyers get free tickets from the Retailer à Drawing à Winners can buy goods
  2. Prospective buyers get Raffle by having to buy tickets to an event à Raffle ticket drawing à Winners can buy items
  3. Prospective buyers are required to buy items with a certain nominal amount in order to get a Raffle ticket in the drawing. Winners can buy items
  4. Prospective buyers buy tickets with a certain nominal value à Drawing à Winners can buy goods
  5. Prospective buyers buy ticket slots provided at a certain price (Slot price: fraction of the price of the item being drawn/not the original price) à Drawing à The winner gets the item without paying for the item being drawn

3. Characteristics of Maysir:

  1. There are bets in the form of material from both parties
  2. There is a game to determine the lucky and unlucky parties.
  3. The winner takes some or all of the betting items and the other party loses the items.

4. Which Type of Raffle is Maysir?

      1) Type 1 does not contain maysir because: The buyer gets a free ticket, there is no material at stake.

      2) Type 2 does not contain maysir because: The buyer buys a ticket to take part in the event, there is no material at stake.

      3) Type 3 does not contain maysir because: The money spent is proportional to the value of the goods received, there is no profit or loss.

      4) Type 4 is still in doubt as to whether it is maysir or not because: The money spent is not comparable to a ticket, there are parties who gain and lose.

      5) Type 5 is in the maysir category because: There are bets (ticket slots), draws, there are parties who gain and lose.

5. Conclusion:

Raffle types 1,2,3 are often found in the community and this is still allowed, even though a lottery is used. However, Raffle type 4 almost fulfills the three elements of maysir. Therefore, something doubtful is better avoided and not done. Raffle type 5, definitely the reason for the raffle. Therefore, if we find a Raffle that is almost the same as this type, we must avoid it to be safe in this world and the hereafter.

Author: Science ACSES FEB UNAIR 2018

Work Program: AcSES Iqtishoduna Discussion

Moderators: Hasbi Ash Shidiq and Rifqi Riyanto