Item Type : Thesis (Thesis)
Affiliations: Master of Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga , Surabaya, Indonesia
Publisher: Universitas Airlangga
The duties and responsibilities carried out by the Directorate General of Customs and Excise, especially within the Surabaya Customs and Excise Regional Office VII, are to carry out reorganization and the formation of an organizational culture that is more conducive to improving services to the community using customs and excise services in accordance with the consensus of Law No. 10 and 11 of 1995 concerning the full reorganization of the functions and roles of Customs and Excise. The role of the Customs and Excise organization in the current development period is very important and can even be said to be the spearhead of development, considering that its function as an apparatus in fiscal enforcement of the Customs and Excise sector is very important in the context of implementing sustainable development. Based on a study of several literatures regarding organizational culture, it was found that organizational culture has elements which include organizational values (X1), environment (X2), and leadership (X3) and also based on Heskett and Kotter's opinion these three elements become three major cultural perspectives organizations that play a very important role in contributing to improving performance. These perspectives include: strong culture, cultural fit and cultural change. The research used a sample of 100 employees, taken randomly. The research's independent variables (organizational values, environment, and leadership) are measured through the level of employee perception of these variable indicators with a five-level interval scale (score 1 to 5). The research instrument used a questionnaire, which was then tested for validity and reliability. To analyze the data, descriptive statistics used arithmetic averages, multiple regression models, F tests and partial t tests. The results of the study concluded that the organizational culture of the Surabaya Customs and Excise Regional Office reflects a strong culture (average 3.55), a strong degree of suitability with the environment (average 3.74) and leadership that emphasizes cultural change (average 3 .53). Based on the results of the F test (simultaneous test), organizational culture variables, namely: organizational values (X1, environment (X2), and leadership (X3) together were proven to have a significant effect on employee performance at the Surabaya Customs and Excise Regional Office, which shown Fcount = 43.3972 with a significance of F = 0.0000 <α = 0.5757), and the remaining 42.43% is influenced by independent variables outside the model (ei). Based on the results of the partial t test, it is concluded that the three independent variables of organizational culture partially have a significant positive effect on employee performance at the Surabaya Customs and Excise Regional Office, because obtained a significant F count below 0.05. Based on the results of the partial t test, it is known that the organizational value variable (X1) has the greatest influence in explaining employee performance at the Surabaya Customs and Excise Regional Office, because it has the largest partial coefficient of determination (r²).
Keywords: Organizational culture, Organizational values, Organizational environment, Leadership, Employer performance
Sources: http://repository.unair.ac.id/35461/