Author: Wiwik Istyarini

Item Type : Thesis (Thesis)

Affiliations: Master of Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga , Surabaya, Indonesia

Publisher: Universitas Airlangga



If these moral-spiritual values ​​are understood and implemented in employee work activities, they will be able to trigger and spur the maximization of their performance. Apart from that, these values ​​can also strengthen employee work motivations. Therefore, the motives and work actions of employees in a company certainly cannot be separated. The two have a reciprocal relationship and influence each other. The reality shows that the motivational symptoms that exist in employees are a benchmark for their performance conditions. Meanwhile, a conducive work environment turns out to be able to give birth to values ​​(perceptions) which become the driving force for employee work ethics. This fact indicates the importance of motivation and work ethic for employees so that they have good and maximum performance and are able to lead the company to achieve its goals. On the basis of the description above, researchers captured the phenomenon of influence between work motivation and employee performance which is moderated by spiritual work ethic. This condition, according to researchers' assumptions, greatly influences the company's optimization efforts. Therefore, the researcher adopted this phenomenon as the title of this research. Work motivation here is based on Maslow's motivation theory, namely the theory of human needs which includes: Physiological needs (physiological needs), Security and safety needs (work security and safety needs), Social needs (social needs), Esteem needs (esteem needs), and Self actualization needs (self-actualization needs). Meanwhile, the performance concept is based on quantity of work, quality of work, job knowledge, creativeness, cooperation, dependability, initiative and personnel qualities. The spiritual work ethic that researchers use as a moderating variable is based on the values ​​of honesty (shiddiq), trust (amanah), intelligence (fathonah), conveying the truth (tabligh). Contingency theory focuses on organizations as open social systems with unique characteristics. Contingency theory changes the focus of research from assuming all organizations are universal in principle to developing guidelines for applying contingent variables to specific organizational environments. The contingency approach is the best approach to determine the factors that influence work motivation, especially in relation to employee performance. The application of the contingency approach to research on employee work motivation has resulted in the identification of factors that potentially determine the relationship between employee work motivation and employee performance. Proponents of this approach suggest that work motivation may not be effective in all situations. Through a contingency approach, we can find out what conditional factors play a role in strengthening/weakening the relationship between employee work motivation variables and employee performance. Based on the theoretical study as explained in chapter II, the researcher assumes that the spiritual work ethic variable needs to be evaluated as a factor that is likely to have a moderating influence on the relationship between work motivation and employee performance. The best combination of work motivation with a contingent variable (spiritual work ethic) is hypothesized to produce increased employee performance. Empirically, this research examines the influence of Spiritual Work Ethic as a moderating variable in the relationship between Work Motivation and Employee Performance at PT. Semen Gresik (Persero) Tbk. The sample from this research is employees who are in production section II at PT. Semen Gresik (Persero) Tbk which is located in the Tuban area with a total of 155 employees taken from each section from a population of 263 employees using the proportionate stratified random sampling method. In this research, data causality testing, descriptive statistics and classical assumption tests were also carried out. The analysis technique used to test hypothesis 1 is simple regression. Meanwhile, to test hypothesis 2, the statistical method of multiple regression with a residual approach (bivariate analysis) was used. From the existing data processing, the results obtained show that employee work motivation has a positive and significant effect, meaning that increasing work motivation will improve employee performance. The results of this research also show that the spiritual work ethic variable is proven to be a moderating variable, so that the level of the best combination of work motivation and spiritual work ethic has a positive effect on employee performance, meaning that work motivation will improve employee performance if employees have a high spiritual work ethic, and will reducing employee performance if employees have a low spiritual work ethic or in other words employees who have high motivation values ​​and spiritual work ethic will increase employee performance to a higher level as well. The research results are expected to contribute to the development of organizational behavior in Indonesia. It is hoped that the limitations in this research can be corrected in future research. However, the influence of spiritual work ethic on the relationship between employee work motivation and employee performance still needs to be tested again to test the consistency of the results of this study with subsequent studies. Finally, the effectiveness of work motivation in improving employee performance still needs to be researched further by considering the possible influence of other conditional factors. Future research using the residual approach needs to examine in more depth the aspects related to the application of this approach in designing research related to contingency theory. Research designs that apply the residual analysis method need to pay attention to aspects such as: the development of an in-depth understanding of the theoretical framework in model formation, the level of reliability of the measures (instruments) used in the research, attention to the basic nature of the relationship between specific variables and Anticipate bias that may occur in applying the residual approach


Keywords: motivation, spirituality ethics, and performance


Sources: http://repository.unair.ac.id/35516/