Author: SUBOWO

Item Type : Thesis (Thesis)

Affiliations: Master of Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga , Surabaya, Indonesia

Publisher: Universitas Airlangga



Efforts to collect funds from the public need to be carried out actively by the bank through good service and satisfying customers. To be able to provide good service, the bank must know the characteristics and desires of the community. In this way, the products offered by the bank will be accepted by potential customers. It is hoped that products that are popular in the public, both in terms of the name and the benefits of the product itself, will help prospective savers make decisions about saving at a bank. There are many factors that can influence a person's savings decision, including attractive savings products, guaranteed security of funds, strategic bank location, competitive prices, attractive promotions, adequate facilities, attractive employee appearance and a fast and pleasant service process. The problem that may be revealed in this research is whether product factors, security of funds, location, price, promotion, facilities, participants and process can influence a customer's decision to have a BNI Kartuplus Semarang Branch. Meanwhile, the aim of this research is to determine whether or not there is an influence of product factors, security funds, location, price, promotions, facilities, participants and process for the customer's decision to have a Kartuplus BNI Semarang Branch. The population of this study are savers and owners of Taplus/ Kartuplus BNI Semarang Branch. The sample size was 100 people and sampling used non-probability techniques with accidental and convenience sampling. Research variables include product (XI), product security (X2), location (X3), price (X4), promotion (XS), facilities (X6), participants (X?), process (X8) and the decision to save/have a kartuplus (Y). Data was collected using questionnaires and interviews for primary data and documentation for secondary data. The analysis technique used to test the hypothesis is multiple linear regression. The research results show that product factors, security of funds, location, price, promotion, facilities, participants and process have a positive influence on satisfaction with saving/having a BNI Kartuplus Semarang Branch. The calculation results obtained F calculated 62.616 and much greater than the F table (df 8/91) of 2.03, thus the hypothesis proposed is that the product factors, security of funds, location, price, promotion, facilities, participants and process has a significant influence on the customer's decision to accept the BNI Semarang Branch Kartuplus. Together the contribution of the independent variables product, security of funds, location, price, promotion, facilities, participants and process to the dependent variable of the customer's decision to have a Kartuplus BNI Branch, Semarang is 83.28% while the remaining 16.72°% is influenced by factors others not revealed in this study. Apart from that, from the calculation results it is known that the partial determination coefficient of the process variable of 11.46% has the most significant influence on the decision to have a BNI Semarang Branch savings/cardplus. Based on the results of this research, it is hoped that it can provide an overview, especially to the management of BNI Semarang Branch. Considering that the process variable has the most significant influence but in terms of percentage it is considered relatively small, it is necessary to improve services, especially to create speed and order in handling transactions. In terms of facilities, it is necessary to think about having adequate parking spaces and supporting the effectiveness of the arrangements. Apart from that, it is necessary to increase the intensity of promotion, especially through electronic media. With attractive promotions, it is hoped that it can attract new customers and convince old customers that saving at Taplus BNI is safe and profitable.


Keywords: customer, kartuplus


Sources: http://repository.unair.ac.id/84392/