Author: Kusmuriyanto

Item Type : Thesis (Thesis)

Affiliations: Master of Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga , Surabaya, Indonesia

Publisher: Universitas Airlangga




One measure to determine the success of a company's business (including cooperatives) in achieving business efficiency is return on assets (ROA). For companies, what is important is not how to achieve large profits, but what is more important is how to increase return on assets. The variation in return on assets achieved by cooperatives is thought to be caused by several factors. The aim of this research is to determine the factors that influence return on assets (ROA), and to determine the variables that have a dominant influence on return on assets (ROA) at the Republic of Indonesia Employees Cooperative (KPRI) in Semarang City. The research population is the Republic of Indonesia Employee Cooperative (KPRI) which is a member of the Republic of Indonesia Employee Cooperative Center (PKPRI) in Semarang City. The research sample was determined as 15 KPRI using purposive random sampling. This research uses combined data between times series data and cross section data, so the number of cases in the research is 75. The research variables consist of member participation in utilizing services (x1), member participation in capital contributions (X2), working capital turnover (X3 ), and liquidity (X4), as well as return on assets (Y). The analysis model used is multiple linear regression. The research results show that member participation in utilizing services, member participation in capital contribution, working capital turnover, and liquidity, together have a significant influence on the achievement of ROA; at KPRI in Semarang City, so hypothesis 1 (first) is accepted. This is shown by the Frasio value of 93.477 which is greater than the Ftable, which is 2.38. Together, the contribution of the independent variables to the dependent variable is 0.8423 or 84.23%, while the remainder is influenced by other variables not revealed in this research. Based on the partial coefficient of determination (r²), the member participation variable in utilizing services has a dominant influence (52.58%) with the assumption that other variables are considered constant. It is hoped that the results of this research can be used as consideration for KPRI management in managing cooperative businesses, especially working capital management, so that they can improve cooperative performance. Cooperative managers must always expand and improve services optimally. This service should prioritize and provide better benefits to members, especially in terms of price, completeness and quality of products, payment terms, loan interest, loan procedures and loan terms, speed and accuracy of credit in accordance with member needs and requests. Improving the skills of managers and employees in business management and financial management needs to be carried out continuously. Apart from that, the implementation of planned and continuous cooperative education for members can be implemented so that it is hoped that member participation will increase both as customers and as owners of the cooperative.




Sources: http://repository.unair.ac.id/34803/