Author: Gatot Isniani 

Item Type : Thesis (Thesis)

Affiliations: Master of Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga , Surabaya, Indonesia

Publisher: Universitas Airlangga



The quality of the output produced by PTS cannot be separated from the quality of PTS itself. Differences in consumer views on PTS performance will cause differences in consumer decisions in choosing PTS. This research aims to determine the factors that constitute the dimensions of the marketing mix that students consider in choosing PTS, to find out the marketing mix variables that influence students' decisions in choosing PTS, to find out the dominant marketing mix variables that influence students' decisions in choosing PTS, to find out the differences in student decisions between university students and high school students. Trial on 35 students outside the research object to test the validity and reliability of the research instrument. Based on this test, 40 items out of 42 were obtained with a Spearman Brown formula reliability of 0.8280. The research was conducted at three universities and three economics colleges in Malang with 180 respondents determined using proportional random sampling. The analysis technique uses factor analysis, multiple linear regression, and the difference between two means. Based on the results of factor analysis, 30 factors from 36 factors were obtained (six factors were removed from the model because they had factor loadings of less than 0.50) which were formed into 11 variables which had eigenvalue &#8805; one, namely: product, price, aesthetics, location, people, physical evidence, alumni, promotions, student activities, personal traits, and processes with a cummulative variance of 68.2%. Based on the results of multiple linear regression analysis, the stepwise F test method shows that product, aesthetics, location, people, physical evidence and promotion simultaneously have a significant influence on students' decisions in choosing PTS, which is indicated by a Frasio of 31.6239 with a probability of 0 .0000 coefficient of determination (R²) is 0.5231 (52.31%). Based on the t test, it shows that product, aesthetics, location, people, physical evidence and promotion have a significant influence on students' decisions in choosing PTS with &#945; 0.05. The product variable is the dominant variable that has a significant influence on students' decisions in choosing PTS with the largest r² value, namely 0.2150 (21.50%). Based on the analysis of the difference between the two averages, it shows that there is no significant difference between the decisions of university students and the decisions of economics high school students, as shown by tcount 0.2369 < ttable, 1.96 with &#945; 0.05. Based on the findings of this research, PTS management should pay attention to the marketing mix that has been implemented and follow developments in the marketing mix that need to be improved. Product variables, aesthetics, location, people, physical evidence, and promotion are the potential of PTS research objects, all related policies need to be maintained consistently. In order to promote accredited rankings as an important indicator, product variables should be used appropriately and wisely.




Sources: http://repository.unair.ac.id/34814/