Title: Work-Life Balance for Millennial Employees at Managerial Level at State Sharia Savings Bank

Author: Gineung Raditya Dennira 

Item Type : Thesis (Thesis)

Affiliations: Master of Management Science Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga , Surabaya, Indonesia

Publisher: Universitas Airlangga



Currently, the participation of the millennial generation in the workforce is starting to dominate. However, working millennials face difficult conditions in dealing with work stress and fatigue. Work-life balance has become a concern for millennials who demand a balance between the quality of work life and personal life. The aim of this research is to explore how work-life balance is interpreted and the obstacles that millennials encounter in their efforts to achieve work-life balance. This research study was conducted using a qualitative method using a phenomenological approach which is in accordance with the research objective, namely to explore in depth work-life balance. Data was collected from interviews with 10 managerial level millennial employees in a sharia-based work environment who indicated they felt obstacles in their efforts to achieve work-life balance. The findings from this research succeeded in identifying the causes, role conflict, the impact of work-life balance, individual efforts to manage work-life balance, factors underlying the meaning of the work-life balance concept, and manifestations of the meaning of work-life balance. The obstacles that individuals encounter in fulfilling work-life balance are caused by personal limitations in distributing personal resources to life domains. The meaning of the work-life balance concept by managerial level millennial employees is based on individual and organizational factors. The manifestation of meaning for each individual is carried out in a unique and different way which includes fair distribution of resources, obtaining quality of life, reciprocal relationships between domains, clear separation of domains, equality of worldly life and the afterlife.

Keywords: Work-Life Balance, Millennials, Managerial Level, Sharia


Source: http://repository.unair.ac.id/98465/