Title: Study of the Obstacles faced by Public Accounting Firms in Carrying Out Mergers


Affiliations: Master of Accounting Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga Surabaya

Publisher: Universitas Airlangga


Increasingly tight competition in the business world in the free market era means that companies are required to have strong and professional management in order to survive and develop. For this reason, companies need to develop an appropriate strategy so that the company can maintain its existence and improve its performance. One of the efforts that a company can take is to expand. One form of expansion is by merger.

This research aims to determine the rational reasons, benefits obtained and operational obstacles that occur in Public Accounting Firms (KAP) that carry out mergers and the reasons and obstacles for KAPs that do not carry out mergers.

This research is a qualitative study using in-depth interview methodology with respondents, namely auditors who are owners or partners of KAPs that have not yet merged, and who have merged with other KAPs as well as parties within the KAP who have a position in making strategic decisions.

The conclusion of this research in revealing all the obstacles faced in carrying out mergers is that there are a number of KAPs in big cities such as Jakarta and Surabaya that have carried out mergers, and there are quite a lot of them. It's different from other cities. This is because some KAPs do not want to take the risks that the company will face if they carry out a merger. In fact, if you look at the benefits obtained, it is very large. This must be considered thoroughly. For this reason, this research reveals all the benefits obtained and all the obstacles that occur as consideration for KAPs that have not yet carried out a merger.

To carry out a merger, many things must be prepared, including a certain amount of funds for operational costs, additional knowledge and more diverse skills so that the merger can form the synergy that the company hopes for. To get a suitable partner, it is necessary to unite opinions and thoughts regarding the company's vision, mission and goals. This is to avoid the dissolution of the merger due to problems arising from differences of opinion.

Suggestions for further research are that considering that not much research like this has been done, it is necessary to carry out further research which is useful for finding out in more depth everything related to this KAP merger. In order to get a broader picture of this matter, it is necessary to expand the respondent area, reaching other regions, even nationally.

Keywords: Accounting firm, strategic merger, in-depth interview, cultural problems.

Sources: http://repository.unair.ac.id/34664/