Item Type : Thesis (Thesis)

Affiliations: Master of Management Science Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga , Surabaya, Indonesia

Publisher: Universitas Airlangga



Women's participation in the workforce shows an increasing trend, in various sectors. One of them is the higher education sector, where women become professional workers (lecturers). Several female lecturers, apart from implementing the tridharma of higher education, also carry out administrative activities (additional duties). Married female lecturers carry double responsibilities, as lecturers and also as housekeepers. Faced with this dual role, female lecturers are faced with greater challenges in achieving work-life balance. This research aims to find out the understanding of female lecturers who carry out additional duties regarding the concept of work-life balance. The next aim is to dig deeper into the factors related to the different understanding of work-life balance among female lecturers. This research uses a qualitative approach, where the method used is phenomenology. The data collection technique is in-depth interviews with purposive sampling as a sample determination technique because it is expected that there will be special characteristics in the sample and the interview questions will be semi-structured. The meaning of female lecturers who carry out additional duties regarding the concept of work-life balance varies based on demographic factors such as marital status, family structure, and the presence of parents in the family. Apart from that, it is also influenced by the norms of Indonesia's patriarchal society. Work-life balance is interpreted as dividing portions of time, attention and energy into two domains, namely work and household or family. The interpretation of the position and role of female lecturers based on norms believed in society gives rise to several negative emotional feelings. The meaning of work-life balance also raises challenges that must be faced in achieving work-life balance, including reduced time with family, time for oneself and time for social activities. Apart from that, several conflicts arise due to friction between life domains and the emergence of health issues. Apart from that, it also raises strategies used by female lecturers to achieve work-life balance, namely building communication, dividing and delegating responsibilities.

Keywords: work-life balance, phenomenological approach, female lecturers, additional assignments


Sources: http://repository.unair.ac.id/74919/