Item Type: Thesis (Thesis)

Affiliations: Master of Management Science Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga , Surabaya, Indonesia

Publisher: Universitas Airlangga



Conflict that often occurs in an organization is task conflict, this occurs because the organization consists of several employees in each division. In this case, employees in the organization have different backgrounds from one another. So it does not rule out the possibility that employees in each division have different ideas, views, ideas and opinions in completing their work tasks and responsibilities (Amason & Sapienza, 1997; Jehn, 1995). The impact of task conflict that occurs in an organization has a dual role, namely increasing performance (functional) and inhibiting performance (dysfunctional). The reality that is currently occurring is that the task conflict experienced by employees at Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya is that task conflict is hampering the performance of employees in the financial administration bureau (BAK), human resources bureau (BSDI), and academic and student administration bureau (BAAK) and general administration bureau (BAU). ). Where this leads to gaps, disputes, and not greeting each other between employees. In this research using an exploratory qualitative method, the informants were divided into two, 4 employee informants and 4 bureau leader informants. The data processing process uses the Nvivo 10 trial to make coding easier. The results of this research are to find out the cause of task conflicts that occur in the general administration bureau (BAU) is poor communication between employees, while in the financial administration bureau (BAK) the cause is personal variables, and the academic and student administration bureau (BAAK) and the bureau human resources (BSDI), the cause of task conflict is the unclear structure of employee tasks. Task conflicts that occur among employees in these bureaus lead to disputes and disrespect between employees. The leadership's attitude in managing task conflicts that occur among employees in each bureau is different, leaders in the financial administration bureau (BAK), human resources bureau (BSDI), and general administration bureau (BAU) accommodate all information from employees and try to find solutions. best for employees who are having problems (collaborating), while leaders in the academic and student affairs administration bureau (BAAK) have conflict with their duties (compromising). Steps taken by the leadership to resolve task conflicts that occur between employees in the financial administration bureau (BAK), general administration bureau (BAU), and academic and student affairs administration bureau (BAAK) by conducting Integrative Bargaining (Win-Win) negotiations. Meanwhile, at the Human Resources Bureau (BSDI), the leadership carries out negotiations using distributive bargaining (Win-Lose).

Keywords: Task conflict, conflict management style, and negotiation


Sources: http://repository.unair.ac.id/67263/