Title: Application of gesture tracking theory to determine the parameters of a dynamic visual inspection task through computer simulation. Theses
Author: Nur Rahman As'ad
Item Type : Thesis (Thesis)
Affiliations: Master of Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga , Surabaya, Indonesia
Publisher: Universitas Airlangga
The object of this thesis is to analyze the dynamic visual inspection task on belt conveyors that is simulated by computer. The using signal detection theory and 3-dimensional graph plot are used as analysis based. The scope of assessment is related to some part of physical factors only such as translation speed, rotation speed and conveyor belt width. Product which is simulated are 500 fruits of 2 mm diameter green apple, including 80 unperfected fruits. The result of measurement by 6 persons as subjects is the inspector performance decreases if translation speed increased, but rotation speed change does not have a significant impact if it is more than 38 rpm. There are three lanes on the conveyor belt will give better detectability value than 4.5 or 6 lanes. The parameters which give best results are: 3 lane width, 0.113 up to 0.164 m/s translation speed, 38 rpm rotation speed and its throughput is 250 up to 376
Keywords: Dynamic visual inspection task; Signal detection theory
Sources: http://repository.unair.ac.id/34768/