Item Type : Thesis (Thesis)

Affiliations: Master of Management Science Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga , Surabaya, Indonesia

Publisher: Universitas Airlangga



Global competition makes every country try to be more competitive in all fields, including Indonesia. Cities in Indonesia are now also faced with competition with other cities in the world. Several communication channels can be used to brand a city, one of which is online media, which is starting to develop and have a big influence. The Surabaya City Government utilizes information technology, one of which is online media to convey information and carry out administrative support activities to realize its vision as a service and trade city. This research explores and analyzes the perceptions of the public or city stakeholders regarding the online media of the Surabaya City Government and the effectiveness of its use. This research uses an exploratory qualitative approach with a case study method. The objects of this research are city residents who are active in online media (social media communities) and the business world community in Surabaya. Data collection in this research was through interviews with key informants. The effectiveness of online media communication used by the Surabaya City Government will be analyzed using the Brand Identity Web Analysis Method (BIWAM). This method consists of; Appearance analysis, website personality analysis, human analysis, style analysis, medium analysis and communicative function of the website, and credibility analysis. This research shows that the online city branding activities of the Surabaya City Government have not been effective. The Surabaya City Government has not maximized the use of online media to form Surabaya's branding as a service and trade city. Online city branding can be said to be effective if; a) There is interaction between online media users, b) The use of media in online city branding is integrated with each other, c) The City Government is active in the online environment, d) The city's potential is shown as an identity shaper, e) Online media is used as an information center for perception formation, f ) The formation of branding through online media is adjusted to the reality on the ground so as not to create gaps, g) the City Government focuses on online media services, and h) the City Government is able to display online media that can be easily accepted by users (user friendly).

Keywords: City branding, online city branding, internet, city services and trade


Sources: http://repository.unair.ac.id/30875/