Title: Why are you happy with impulse buying? Evidence from Indonesia

Authors: Wiwik Handayani 1 , Muslich Anshori 2 , Indrianawati Usman 2 , Sri Wiwoho Mudjanarko 3

Affiliations: 1. Department of Management, Faculty of Business and Economics, National Development "Veteran" East Java University, Indonesia; 2. Department of Management, Faculty of Business and Economics, Airlangga University, Indonesia; 3. Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of, Civil Engineering, Narotama University, Indonesia

Publisher: Management Science Letters


Happiness is an ideal condition needed by everyone. In real life, happiness comes not only from the harmony in the home but also from the exciting environment or atmosphere outside the home, such as impulse buying. When someone makes impulse buying, she could feel the happiness be-cause she gets something she wants. This means that when someone makes a purchase, he will experience happiness. This study aimed to examine the variables that affect impulse buying which may also affect the happiness. It is assumed that the experience and the pleasant shopping atmosphere affect the impulse buying and, as a result, the impulse buying affects happiness. The samples in this study were 150 women making purchases of fashion products at malls in Surabaya. The hypothesis testing was conducted using Structural Equation Modelling. The test results indicated the hypothesis 1 stating that the experiential marketing influenced the impulse buying and hypothesis 2 stating that the shopping enjoyment affected the impulse buying were accepted. Further, hypothesis 3 was also accepted, stating that impulse buying influences happiness.

Keywords: Experiential Marketing, Shopping Enjoyment, Impulse Buying, Happiness

Sources: http://growingscience.com/beta/msl/2750-why-are-you-happy-with-impulse-buying-evidence-from-indonesia.html